When Her Winter meets His Spring

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".. Wh.. what do you say? T.. the baby.."

He left so that you could find another love for your life, he is not expecting this.

"I hope you are done with your stupid games.

Please leave if uncle and auntie see you, I'm not sure what they will do to you."

"Let me see her.." He pleads.

"I can't let you do that. Please see yourself out." "You cancel the marriage, you are no one in her life anymore.. as a matter of fact. I don't want to be in your life anymore." "Consider you no longer have a sister. No need to invite me to your next wedding and I also won't invite you to attend mine."

Jimin was admiring his fiancé. She didn't even stutter, spouting all of that to Taehyung. He always thinks of her as someone who is innocent and softhearted that he had to protect her at all cost, she proved him wrong. She was more than able to stand on her own.

"You can't do this to me." Taehyung wailed.

You and his baby.. his dear baby girl that he

talked to every night. If only he came and had a proper conversation with you.

"Please send this guy out." Yerin told her bodyguards.

"Please, let me see her." He pleaded. His heart ached so much he wanted to carve it out.

"I'm afraid you might hurt her again. It's best if you leave her as it is." Yerin insisted on keeping you from her retard brother.

"Just one time.. I want to see her face.."

Not once in her twentieth year old life did she think she was able to see her brother shed a tear.

Now he was so desperate that this weak side of him came out. He must be very shocked himself.

"Let him see her.." Park Jimin was the one who couldn't bear to hear him plead.

"No! If you take his side then you can cancel our engagement, too!" Park Jimin backed off real quick. Mouthing sorry to Taehyung.

His love life is more important than his morale.

Yerin didn't let him in. He was only waiting outside the ward. He couldn't see you. The bodyguard pushed him down several times because he tried to trespass.

      "I'll take Yerin out for two hours. Pretend to go     back and come in later after we are gone."

Park Jimin texted him. This was all he could do for a man to a man. He understood that if he ever experienced the same thing with Yerin, he wished someone would help him too. Which he probably needs after Yerin finds out he helped Taehyung.

Taehyung saw your parents enter the ward.

Your mother and father. Today was supposed to be a happy day. It took a hell of a turn to disaster.

No wedding and the child was also gone.

They stayed there for an hour and half. Taehyung waited until they left.

"Why don't you wake up yet?" He fell on his knees beside your bed. Your face was so pale and your breath was gentle.

There were no words coming out from his mouth. He just found his tears were streaming down unstoppably. He was sobbing like a little child. Holding your hands. Clutching on them.

He was the worst human being, he won't deny that anymore.

"Why are you crying?" His sobs were waking you up, "Are you hurt somewhere?" Taehyung was looking up at you with the tear trace on his cheeks. You wiped them weakly, "I must be in a dream now.. You are crying." You had been with him for months, days and nights, other than harsh mouth and sarcastic remarks, you never see him showing his weakness. He was soft and loving after the two of you officially together however it must be an act. He was very good and you actually believed and fall in love with him,

Spring Vs WinterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ