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"Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!"

The crowd gathered around Bradley cheers as he ends his song. For it to be a cover of a Jerry Lee Lewis song, it was pretty good. I'd forgotten how talented Bradley was. He looked really good playing a piano... I mean he looks like he's good at playing... I don't know what I mean actually.

"I think I'm going to head out." I check my watch.


I want to see the kids before they get into bed. I haven't seen them all day.

"But the party is just getting started." I feel an arm on my shoulder. I jerk my head back and push their hand away. Hangman holds his hands up in defense. "Woah there, little mama. I ain't trying to pull the moves on you."

I hate it when people touch me. I've been like that since I was a kid. You know how your parents will make you hug every family member at Christmas time? Even the creepy uncles and smelly grandparents. I'd say that's where my hatred for physical touch started.

"Why don't you stay a little while longer. It's not even that late." Bradley follows me as I head towards the back door.

"My sitter is waiting for me." I stuff my hands in my pockets.

"Oh I see." His lips turn up. "You want to spend time with your kiddos."

"Yes actually." I turn to him. "Not that that's any of your business, Rooster."

He bites back a laugh. "How are Sawyer and Sage?" He asks. "I haven't seen them in ages. They're what? Four now?"

He remembers? How does he remember. Bradley and I haven't worked together in three years.

"Yeah... almost five. How did you remember?" I give him a questioning look.

"I was there when you pushed them out of your..." He grimaces, shaking his head. "Anyways. Those children will forever be embedded in my mind."

It's true. When I say Grant is the worst father, I am not exaggerating. I went into labor at work, at the time Grant and I shared a vehicle, he refused to come and take me to the hospital because he was busy. I later found out that by busy he meant that he was drinking and hooking up with some druggie down the street. Luckily Bradley was there and he was able to take me to the hospital. Other than Grant I had nobody. Saoirse was out of town, my family is out of the picture, there was literally no one. But I had Bradley. He offered to stay in the hospital with me and as much as I wanted to turn him down, he was all I had in that moment. And there's no way I could've labored and had my children without him there by my side. Grant was infuriated but that was his own fault. He should've been there and he wasn't. Bradley was, and I don't know how I could ever repay him.

"Thanks again. For all you did for me." I mumble.

He licks his teeth. "I'd do it again if I had to." He nods to the bar. "Let me buy you a drink."

"I don't drink, Bradshaw." I go for the door handle. "You know that." I open the door but he places his hands on it, slamming it shut. He towers over, I almost feel intimidated.

"I do know that. But I also know that Penny has non alcoholic options." He quirks a brow at me, as if he's saying "gotcha there."

"Fine, Bradshaw." We stride over to the bar and take a seat. "I'd like a strawberry daiquiri, virgin."

Bradley taps his finger on the bar. "I'll take the same."

"Copycat." I roll my eyes.

"So how are things?" He asks, ignoring my comment.

"I'd say they're good. A few hardships here and there, but that's life I guess." I watch as Penny dumps the ingredients into the blender.

"And uh, how is Grant doing?" His eyes darken when he says his name. Bradley's never liked Grant, for obvious reasons.

"I wouldn't know." I shrug. Penny slides the drinks over to us. I grab a straw and stick it inside of the cup. "I only talk to him once every two weeks when he comes to visit the kids." He furrows his brows at me. "Yeah. We got divorced."

"I'm sorry." He says honestly. But he seems relieved.

"It's okay. I've got my babies and that's all I need. He just made things harder. It's probably all for the best, you know?" I stir my straw, making swirls in my drink.

He leans his head on his hand. "How are you doing?"

I'm not used to getting asked this. When you become a mom more people seem to ask how the kids are then ask about the one raising, feeding, and providing for them.

I pull the straw away from my mouth and swallow hard. "I'm here." I sigh. "That's all that matters."

"Yeah but I'm sure it's hard though." He sighs pushing his drink away. "My mom had to raise me by herself and I know I didn't make it any easier on her." He shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He grabs my hand looking into my eyes. "What I'm trying to say is, she always appreciated the help when someone offered it so if you ever need anything, I am here."

"Thank you, Bradley." I squeeze his hand. Realization hits me. I let go of him and stand to my feet. "What I need right now is to go home."

"I'll walk you out." He stands, handing a twenty to Penny. At least he knows how to tip good. We head to our vehicles, Bradley's being a Ford Bronco, Mine being a very dirty Volkswagen Beetle. "It was great seeing you, Sav. I'm glad you accepted my invitation." My eyes widen. "I honestly thought you wouldn't show up."

"You left the message?" I ask, he nods in response. "Thanks for the invite." I give him a genuine smile, something I don't give to just anyone.

"Anytime." He opens my car door. I'd roll my eyes but I appreciate the chivalry. I get in and look back to him. "Say hi to the kids for me."

He shuts my door and I roll down my window. "Bye, Rooster."

He winks at me. "Bye, Kodiak."

I wave at him before I start to slowly pull out of the parking lot and head back to my house. The sun hits my face as it sets behind the clouds. It makes my heart happy. I love this feeling. I want to always feel this way. But nothing lasts forever. Realization hits me again like it did back at the bar with Bradley.

He touched me, and I didn't even flinch.

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