7 - Bathing Together

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(A/N: I know it's been a long time since an update. I assure you, I'm not dropping this novel—the author is just lazy as fuuuck.)

Then there's no point anymore. I smacked his face which was so close I could feel his body heat on my skin and pushed his body away roughly.

"Leave me alone, I'm going to the bathroom." I responded promptly and limped fraily towards a large walk-in closet stuffed with sleeping wear. I rubbed my hot ear harshly to try and get rid of the lingering feeling of hot breath.

I ambled towards the bathroom with a comfortable and less frilly set of white pajamas in hand. I reached for the door with stubborn exhaust, feeling the aftereffects of the mana transfer and drain, but it was more the price of trying to interact with a pig headed bitch disguised as an angel.

Finally, at last, a break! A break from the heavy scrutiny of tiny beaming children, a break from the overbearing family constantly looming over me, a break from the hard-pillow butler who seems a bit off, a break! At last, the sweet relief of hot, steaming rose-scented water soaking into my skin, bathing, alone, by myself!


...Of course it ended up like this.

I, the deadpan hard working extra who spent so much time calculating the capture target's moves and ended up failing miserably; the one who became emotional for just a moment and started spiraling towards millions of Death Flags in the span of a week; of course it ended up like this.

"You smell so nice, Remi..."

I felt that devil's chin press against my forehead as he murmured words of my suffering. I, half-naked, was pinned to the unfilled bathtub by an unnecessarily jocked and large-weenie'd eight-year-old.

Honestly, at this point, my brain was already too overloaded to even understand the extremity of this situation.

My mind was empty as I plainly took off my remaining clothes and reached to turn the faucet on. The lukewarm water slowly filled the tub. I felt the comfortably enveloping sensation warp around my small physique, my body unconsciously relaxing while my eyelids started to feel heavy.

Perhaps it would be better to sleep... That was my last thought before I was gently lulled to sleep by the soporific rosy bathwater.


When we had returned from the bath, I was still in a trance, in contrast to the devil beside me, who was in unnaturally high spirits.

Hearing a slight rustling before me, I looked up with characteristically exasperated eyes.

In front of me was Eliad, standing motionlessly, watching me with a fierce gaze.

"Young Master, I have..." Eliad trailed off. His eyes were focused on my shoulder intensely, it felt as if it would drill a hole through the bone. Hm, perhaps he hadn't gotten enough sleep last night.

I followed his piercing scrutiny to my shoulder and found that Cyrus' hands were gripping it nonchalantly. His flaunting attitude made it seem as if it was his property. The devil's focus was centered on my face almost to the point of infatuation as my expression warped.

My eyes twitched as a vein visibly popped out of my forehead. I heaved an exasperated sigh, like a low growl. and lifted my arm, intending to pry off Cyrus' annoying physical contact to try and preserve any of my sanity which bothered to stick around, but Eliad was one step ahead of me.

His suppressed expression broke, revealing an unsettlingly protective and borderline obsessive resentment. He grabbed my body and hugged me close to his broad, hard chest. I made a small yelp in surprise of his sudden action but was dragged away by him before I could make a cry of protest.

"Eliad—?!" I exclaimed in surprise. His original position of holding me close to his chest became a princess carry, of which I was moved through the halls and flaunted as some sort of vibrant accessory. I fumbled around to try and break free from his iron grip, but it seems like that only made his resolve stronger as his nails dug into my arms securely.

The servants in passing seemed to pay no mind, continuing with their daily chores and looking away nonchalantly. The maids which I managed to make eye contact with simply smiled and averted their eyes knowingly, as if they knew something I didn't. I gawked at their flaunting display of 'we don't see anything, we don't hear anything', feeling slightly miffed and offended by their blatant show of loyalty towards the head butler instead of their beloved Young Master.

"Let me- mmph, let me go!" I flailed my limbs around and, to my surprise, was dropped by him. I was ready to make a beeline for the opening, but before I could, I was pinned to the wall by the irate and obviously irrational Eliad. Don't tell me... this isn't going to be a kabedon, is it? No, that can't be, that only happens to...

Tilting his head back, his hand suddenly slammed onto the wall, his frame towering over my body, looking down at me with cold eyes, his jaw slightly clenched. He had me trapped under his vicious and jealous-ridden gaze. Slightly tilting his face down, his mouth was on top of my neck. He let out deep breaths, sending shivers down my spine.

"Why.... why did you bathe with him...?" His cold voice rang out, his eyes shifting to a bit of hatred. I trembled. I thought back to when I said I would bathe and change by myself. He must have been a lot more upset than I originally believed... Well, I guess that changing me is considered his duty. He must be angry that someone else did his duty, he is professional after all.

"I-" I grunted and tried to escape from his hold. His hold only tightened at my resistance. He must be very emotional today. I mused calmly.

"Young Master... why do you do this to me...?" He muttered under his breath. Slowly, I felt him slowly letting go and withdrawing. What to you? I don't recall doing anything particularly offending. I pondered but soon brushed it off and rubbed my sore wrists. I, awkward and unsure of what to do after that exceptionally spontaneous event, speedily slunked off at the rare opening.

I returned back to my room with troubled and confused eyes. I must have missed something. I pondered softly. I held my hand to my chin and tried to think back to before, but just as I was about to piece something together, I glanced up and saw a towering young and very naked body showing a very private part in front of me. Cyrus' glowing face was a few centimeters away from mine, his mouth spread into a wide, smug grin. Another vein popped out of my forehead as I struggled to keep my cool. "Fucking devil..." I unconsciously cursed under my breath.

I drew a long, deep breath and collected myself. I moved towards the large delicate glass window and placed a hand on its cool surface. The beautiful morning light streamed in, hitting my face in the most lovely way. The scene was something akin to a brilliantly expressed painting.

I looked out the window with melancholic eyes. Remember that time where you thought that everything was in control? Yes, the time when you didn't have two capture targets who had started to become slightly more obsessive by the minute. Well, at least they aren't in love with me. As long as I keep a low profile from now on, I will be fine.

I WILL be fine.

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