14 - Luxurious Vomit

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The eve of my fourteenth birthday came. However, the manor was still as quiet as usual, without the hustle-bustle that usually filled the castle during celebrations. I, melancholy, dolefully looked out my bedroom window.

"The Young Master has been like that for quite some time..." whispered one of the young maids dawdling in the hallway.

"Well, after the mistress rejected his plea, I suppose it's only natural..." replied another. Soon after, both maids were dragged away by the experienced servants and the hallway became soundless once again.

My downcast sigh seemed to break the delicate muted air. The frigid glass fogged as soon as my breath caressed its skin. I groaned and sagged onto the cold surfaces before slowly sliding down and crumpling onto the chilled, unwelcoming marble floor.

"When will Nor cooome..." I whined to no one in particular. The nasal squawking carried through the empty east wing. I want to complain to Sylvien as soon as possible. Ughhhhh... I'm so bored.

It was the eve of my fourteenth birthday, yet the halls were as still as a mouse. It was the eve of my fourteenth birthday, and yet there was no celebration. It was the eve of my fourteenth birthday, and yet my one simple dream which all other children were able to have, at their twelfth birthday, no less, was taken from my hands by none other than my beloved mother.

My debut.

Yes, normal aristocratic children had their debut into society at the ripe old age of twelve. However, I, who has parents who are as protective as armored steel reinforced ten times over, will have a debut that is delayed not one, but two years...! I grabbed the nearest pillow and screamed. The fluffy cotton stuffing muffled my moans, which made me all the more irked.

I gasped and sighed for the umpteenth time. Not only was my debut hindered by my coddling and paranoid family, so was any trip to public places. Apparently, they firmly believed that the outside world was too dangerous for their oh-so-fragile young baby. That idea was further strengthened when the assassination occurred and Aileen and I were close to death.

One day, I was so desperate that I went so far as to create a detailed presentation showing them the vast amounts of magical arrays I could easily place on myself and the vast numbers of capable knights that could protect me when I went out to the ports, it was still a firm and unshakable 'no'.

I moaned and flopped back onto the soul-sucking bed, flipping down the curtains. After my fervid presentations to try and get Mother and Father to let me out of the house, they seemed to think that this birthday in particular was dangerous, and even the slightest celebratory activity would somehow lead to catastrophic results. As a result, shadow guards were stationed to guard my door while maids continued to discreetly patrol the corridors near my room to ensure that I did not escape.

I scowled. Why did they think I couldn't handle it? Why was I someone they thought should not be exposed to the outside world? I was stuck inside the confines of the manor. When I was able to go out, which was very rare, I was heavily escorted and was blocked from all sides until I reached the safe and remote destination. Even when I escaped to the forest, I had to return.

But why did I return? It wasn't for my own security, but rather for my parents' well-being. I didn't want to return.

It's my birthday today. I thought, shifting to look at the bright starry sky. And my wish wasn't fulfilled, once again.

I scoffed. My parents always said that no matter what, my wish should be granted. Yet after countless wishes to go outside and see people, they still didn't let me.

They couldn't grant my wish.

I could, though.


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