38 - The Young Knight

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The carriage rocked back and forth, hitting the bumpy stone roads relentlessly. We were quickly approaching the palace and were riding through the main roads of the Capital. I laid my head on the hard wall of the carriage and gazed outside the window with a dazed expression.

Now that I have so much time to myself... I can't help but think about the strangeness of the capture targets. I thought. I combed my hair back and breathed deeply, flopping onto the cushion of the seat and propping my legs up on the closed door. It seems that the capture targets... have less interest in Aileen than in the otome. I rubbed the bridge of my nose and tried to stop a blood vessel from popping. Is it because of my existence?

The original Remis was never in the previous version of the otome game. The younger brother of Aileen was a significant presence which impacted each capture target's route. Now, he was alive, not dead.

But that doesn't make sense. I frowned. I've avoided them as much as possible. I'm not involved at all! Not to mention, one way or another, all of them fall for Aileen. My existence shouldn't change their love. I bit my lip and curled my toes. They must just be too shy to start pursuing her.

It had been quite a while, and I was exhausted from the long journey. The dark circles under my eyes and the creaking joints from sitting for too long only served to make my vexation grow. Well then. I smirked. If they're too stupid to chase her themselves, then... I'll just have to make them.

I snickered to myself. The knights surrounding the carriage glanced into the windows curiously, but upon catching my eye, they quickly redirected their attention to the front and pretended to be deaf. I clenched my fist.

Aileen, be prepared. From now on, I am your personal cupid. My smirk grew wider. And soon, the capture targets will fall right into your hands!


The towering arcs of the palace gates loomed above us. I watched it pass with bored eyes. Once, I had been captivated by the sight, but now all I saw was the end of my peaceful days of summer vacation and school.

The muffled conversations of the knights and gatemen interrupted my meandering train of thought. I fixed my eyes to the entrance of the palace. The front gardens gave a spectacular, enchanting view, as the huge evergreen trees rustled gently in the wind above me. I just breathed a weary sigh and straightened my back, preparing to exit the stuffy carriage.

I picked up the insulative tin box on the floor and gently placed it onto my lap. The coolness against my thigh sent shivers down my spine. The carriage soon came to a halt, and the carriage door was opened by a young knight.

The knight held out his hand to help me down. I grabbed it, carefully stepping down the steep stairs, my legs a bit weak and shaky from the long sitting. Just as I was about to get off, the horses became frantic and the carriage took a sudden jerk back.

I cried in panic and lurched forward. My hands instinctively tighten around the young knight's. My balance was lost and I began to tumble towards the knight's chest. He quickly held my waist to steady me, and I was unwittingly pushed closer.

The coachman was berated for his lack of control. I only sighed in response to the commotion, my fatigue growing. The scene was immediately resolved, but despite this, the young knight didn't let me go, instead maintaining his hold on my waist.

I quickly grew red-faced and awkward.

I coughed to try and fill in the silence of the spectating servants. The knight realized the situation and flew out of his daze, stumbling back. I could see his flustered expression through his helmet, and felt an odd sense of amusement.

A smile played at the corners of my mouth. "It's alright, thank you for the help." I said. I suppose some nobles are fussy. He must have had some sort of bad experience with us. I mused. For some reason, though, his expression grew more flustered at my words and he began to fumble around clumsily.

The servants had long since collected my belongings from the carriage and were waiting for me to enter the palace. I glanced behind me, and with a subtly reluctant expression, I nodded towards the young knight and walked away.

The servants trailed behind me as they carried my baggage. I wandered through the familiar long stretches of the palace halls. We soon reached the royal guest room, and the servants quickly began unpacking the suitcases, pushing the clothes into the drawers and the papers onto the desk.

They were preparing to vacate the room when I finally relented and asked, "who was that knight, do you know? The one who caught me." Their faces turned pale. I glanced at their expressions and assumed it was because they thought I was going to punish him, so I added, "I'm just curious." They must have realized that I saw through them, and felt embarrassed.

"H-he is Knight Reask, Young Lord." one of them stuttered out.

I smiled. "Thank you." Waving my hand dismissively, I said, "You may all leave."

While the others exited, one servant glanced at the metal box in my hand and politely asked, "Young Lord, would you like me to deliver that to the prince?"

I shifted my eyes to the box in my lap, which I had forgotten about, contemplating. Eventually, I shook my head and said, "No, I'll do it myself." Who said the prince could hijack my summer vacation! I'll eat the sweets right in front of him.


The prince gazed out his window from his study, watching the front gardens restlessly. His wait for someone was eager and impatient. A knock on his door behind him sounded and he immediately sprung up, his eyes alert.

"Your Royal Highness, Young Lord Xenith is here to see you," a servant announced. There was a brief pause, accompanied by whispers outside. After a while, the servant added with embarrassment, "He has brought sweets for you as well."

The prince blushed furiously and fixed his hair, rushing to his seat to pretend to look at the unfiled paperwork. Clearing his throat, he said, "Yes, come in."

The door creaked open, and I strolled in nonchalantly with the tin box in hand. The servant bowed and closed the door quickly behind us. The room was left silent, with the prince staring at the sweets with keen eyes.

Suppressing the urge to smirk victoriously, I dangled the box before him, motionless and patient. The prince grew increasingly flustered the longer I stood there, his blush extending to the tips of his ears as he tried to voice his demand.

For several minutes, I maintained an impassive expression. Then, I waltzed over to the small tea table and began to lay the sweets onto the table, one by one. The mouth-watering smell wafted around the room. I stole a quick glance at the prince. His eyes seemed to beckon me to invite him to the table, but I simply turned away, stuffing an entire cream puff into my mouth without hesitation.

Chewing and letting the cream burst out of the pastry, then letting it slide down my throat, I laughed and patted my belly with satisfaction. "Ahhh, so good..."

I reached out to take another, slowly breaking it in half and watching the flakes slowly fall onto the plate. I chewed a quarter of it, then turned and fixed my eyes onto the teary but prideful prince again. With my mouth half full, I held out the bitten pastry and waved it around tauntingly. My voice was dripping with smugness as I asked, "What, do you want some?"

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