27 - Undercover Fujoshi

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I slept brilliantly in the silky smooth bedsheets of the room. Three gentle knocks woke me up the next day. The morning rays of light caressed my eyelids gently. I woke up with a clear, peaceful smile gracing my face like cascading satin.

The maid walked in, with her hands holding a silver tray of beautifully crafted English scones, with some light tea and fruit at the side. She set it on the nightstand next to me with a light clink. The still, soothing atmosphere permeated my mind and chest, making me yawn with untroubled tranquility.

"Lord, good morning. I have taken it upon myself to warm the bath for you, and it will be ready momentarily." Her eyes were cast down demurely as she bowed.

I grinned with my eyes twinkling and thanked her with a soft voice. I sipped the mellowly brewed tea and felt it slide down my throat. What a nice day today-

"Ah, after you finish preparing yourself, Madam Rosé expects you in the ballroom for your royal etiquette lesson. Thank you, I shall take my leave."

My heart instantly shattered and my eyes dropped into a dead fish stare. The tea in my hand started to taste bitter and I placed it down with distaste. And the rays of sun shining through the window suddenly started to become glaringly bright. Stop being so bright, I didn't give consent. You're intruding into people's lives. I can report you for breaking and entering.


I stepped into the ballroom. It seemed hauntingly empty, with a solitary sound echoing eerily off the walls and the floor-to-ceiling windows towering over me like giants. I walked forward to the center, where a woman with harsh features and a pointy stick held in her left hand stood.

"Young Lord, walk faster." She slapped her stick onto her right hand, making me feel that it was a whip rather than a small stick. With mixed feelings, I hurriedly rushed forward and stopped a few meters in front of her.

"Good morning. I am Leainelono del Rosé. You may call me Madam Rosé. I am the etiquette instructor employed by the royal house. For the next six days, I will be briefing and educating you on royal etiquette." She bowed stiffly, like cardboard folding for the first time.

She slapped her stick onto the floor, making a loud clack. My heart jumped and a bead of cold sweat rolled down my back. I bowed and held my right arm behind me tremblingly. "Good morning, Madam Rosé. I am Remis Alchean Xenith, and am delighted to make your acquaintance." An almost robotic tone escaped my lips, and my left hand shook slightly at the invisible pressure she exerted.

She gazed at my posture with narrowed phoenix eyes. Her snide frown slowly dissipated and her pursed lips relaxed, with the ends of her mouth curling up. "Good. Since you seem to have the basic aristocratic mannerisms down, there is no need to go over the standard curriculum. Revising the original itinerary, I believe we can allocate more time onto perfecting your bow to royalty." Her upturned almond eyes glinted as she stepped forward close to me. The cane in her hand clacked onto the marble floor to disturb the tense atmosphere surrounding her.

Although she had only lightly brushed my chin with her fingers, it felt as though she was firmly grasping my face to push my chin up. I almost choked as my head slid up to avoid her bone-chilling touch. Her lips seemed to curve more at my reaction.

"Listen carefully, as I'll only repeat instructions once."

"As you are now, your head shall be slightly tilted upwards."

"Your waist bent at a 49 to 52 degree angle." Her cane smacked my stomach and I immediately hurled forward.

"Your hand," she grabbed my forefinger and smacked it up, "needs to emulate a feather gently falling!"

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