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Hello Readers.

I hope you've been well.

I've been working on another Poison book. I only have a few chapters so far. I'm hoping I can finish the book soon, at least by December so I can start posting it. It's finally gotten to the part I've been longing to write about. And another big surprise is the new Poison book and Hurricanes will "visiting" each other. The characters I mean😂😂 will know one another and will be making trips between the books. Also part of the reason why I'm not posting hurricane, I need to find a common ground for the characters to coexist in each other's worlds.

A little sneak peek of the upcoming book:

She grabs my hands. "I hope you do. I'm not doing this to punish you. I've lost so much, you are the only reason I'm fighting my demons and finding the strength to get out of bed. I've failed at everything. I must get you right."

"You haven't failed at every. Look at your life, how safe you are. Look at your house. It's insane."

"And I've lost everything and everyone, while gaining all this. You see those two men there? They are all I have and it hurts me that they can't live normal lives. They feel like it's their life's mission to protect me and you. They have families and they can't enjoy them. Everything I did was so everyone could enjoy and feel safe when they are with their loved ones. Now, now everyone I know is dead."

"Are we safe though? Yes, you lost everyone, but did you at least gain the power and protection you fought for?"

She smiles and squeezes my hand. "We are the faceless now. No one can touch us, but it doesn't mean we let our guard down."

I smile and nod. "The faceless, without last names. How are we going to deal with that at school?"

"You'll just go by Kain Romano, like I go by Bella Rita."

... ... ...

"Are you really that tired of me being here?"

He sits next to me. "You know I've nothing but pure love for you, but princess you need to go home."

"What home. I'm dead, remember? And I quite enjoy playing ghost."


I sigh once again and sit up. "Even if you force me to leave, it's not like you know where she lives."

"I don't need to know where she lives, I already know where your biological mother lives. She'll do."

I suck my teeth. "You really are determined."

"I thought you'd be happy to go home. You've been here for almost 2 years."

"Like I said, I enjoy being a ghost. I have 5 years, if not less, why go back to break their hearts again?"

"We do not know that for sur-"

"I was shot in the chest! It's a miracle that I'm alive. I just want to spend the last few years I have peacefully. I understand, I've been a burden. I'll leave, but I'm NOT going back there. I have nothing and no one to go back to."

"You have your mother! While you are cooped up in here, do you actually know what's being happening outside? Rita is on a killing spree! Your mother, was admitted to a crazy hospital for months. Your father died, everyone around him died. You are not the only one dealing with pain, Aaliyah, everyone is. You are 14 now, you aren't a baby anymore. Armani is the baby, not you. Get. Up. Prepare yourself, the jet leaves in two days. I need to arrange a few things first."

He gets up from my bed and walks out of my room. I sit there, 'preparing' myself. The world is going to know I'm alive.

I'm going to know I'm alive. I sigh, a deep realization setting in.

I am alive.

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