Chapter 5: Making an Escape

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The Church of Axtarr was the oldest building in Vumaedal and had seen many ceremonies like weddings, reunions, and funerals. But today, you were planning your wedding with your mother at the church. But it was more like your mother was planning her second wedding.

   " We could wrap flowers around the pillars, then across the seats; we could have silk. Of course, a red carpet will be rolled down the aisle so you can walk down with grace and poise. What do you think, Y/n? "

Your mother turned to look at your form, but you weren't focused on her. Instead, you were focused on looking outside, watching the many people walk by the church. 

   " Mother, have you even thought that I don't want to marry Lord Isembart? Have you ever considered that? "

   " Y/n, we've been over this. You have a great marriage proposal to a very wealthy and prosperous man. This might be your only chance to marry someone of such high status. "

   " And what if I don't want to marry him because I don't love him? What about that? "

   " How could you not love him, dear, he's young, rich, and he can take care of any problem that comes in the future. Would you rather marry a peasent? "

   " If I loved them. "

Your mother's smirk fell to a frown, and she glanced at you as if you had insulted her. Then, she folded her arms and glared at you, with her red lips, sneering at you.

   " How dare you say such a thing. You need to be educated on your role in society. You are  a noble lady, you should not even be looking at those below us. "

   " Then you marry, Lord Isembart. You've already planned everything to your tastes! "

You stood from the pew and walked toward the exit to the church. Your mother's voice echoed throughout the church as she tried to call for you, but you didn't listen to her words. It was time you finally stuck up for yourself; after many years of pure obedience, you were finally biting back at your parents. Eventually, the doors to the church were thrown open, and you stepped out of the church, walking down the street.

Arlutrix, who was standing outside the church, spotted your moving form and followed after you, as his master had commanded. The man followed beside you through the streets and made sure that he kept up with your fast pace.

   " Who does she think she is? She can marry Lord Isembart herself! "

   " My lady? "

   " Because I don't want to marry him! But no one's listening to me! "

   " Lady Y/n. "

   " And I've never had control of anything in my life, so of course, why would I have control over my marriage? "

   " Y/n. "

   " I can't do this anymore. I don't want to be married to a man I barely see, let alone love--"

   " Y/n! "

Your rambling and walking suddenly stopped at Arlutrix's shout. You turned toward the man and noticed that he had finally shown you some expression. His brows were creased, and his lips were cast downward. The turquoise eyes that were always unfocused now looked at you sternly.

   " Is marrying my master so bad? You will live a lavish life. Anything you desire will be within your reach, and you will have ties to royalty. Is that not enough for you? "

Silence met the man's ears, and you couldn't believe what you heard. The comment made your blood boil, and you raised your hand, poking his chest.

   " Hardly. Who said I wanted any of that? I don't remember anyone asking me for my opinion on things. And who are you to talk to? I bet you've never even loved someone. "

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