Chapter 34: The Day of Execution Pt.2

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The closer you got to the castle, the more people were around on the streets. Eventually, you had to pull on the horse's reins to stop running as the crowd thickened. You hid your sword in your skirt as you ran through the crowd, getting closer to the castle. Ahead of you, a wooden stand with a guillotine was sitting atop the people. The king stood on the wooden podium, looking at everyone as a man kneeling on the ground with his head through the hole of the guillotine. 

Arlutrix didn't move or even try to protest against his situation. Instead, he kneeled on the ground with his eyes closed, waiting for his imminent death. The king moved forward, with the crowd cheering in applause. He raised his hand to silence the crowd.

   " Today, we have Arlutrix Cavalier, found guilty of murder, manipulation, and a warlock of magic. Arlutrix will be executed for the charges against the Vumaedal kingdom. Executioner. . ."

The executioner nodded before walking to the side of the guillotine. He gripped the handle and pulled it back, letting the sharp, angled blade fall to connect with Arlutrix's neck. Arlutrix shut his eyes tightly, ready, but instead of a blade cutting through his neck, he heard metal hitting metal. Arlutrix opened his eyes and saw you standing on the platform, with your sword holding the guillotine blade.

   " My lady, what are you--" 

You pushed the blade upward and kicked the executioner away from the guillotine. Then you pulled the wooden stick back, making the blade stay on the top of the guillotine. You worked quickly, taking the top wooden piece from the guillotine and freeing Arlutrix's neck. Arlutrix raised his neck from the guillotine, looking at you with wide eyes and mouth open.

   " Arlutrix, get up, and let's go! "

Guards started swarming the stage, leaving you with only one option left. You readied your sword and looked toward Arlutrix. Arlutrix understood immediately. The mage began to work for his hands out of the chains, trying to slip his hands out of the metal locks. While he worked on freeing his hands, you fought off the guards with your sword. You managed to kick two guards off the stage and knock two unconscious when Arlutrix released his hands. 

   " Y/n! "

   " Right! "

Arlutrix grabbed your waist and ran toward the edge of the stage. Then, you both jumped off the stage. You wrapped your arms around Arlutrix as he threw his free arm out with blue whisps following his movements.

   " Flotter! "

Blue whisps circled your forms as you started to float in the air. You moved toward the crowd's edge, but it wasn't fast enough. The guards moved quickly and followed your movements, pushing people in public.

   " Déplacez-nous rapidement! "

Purple wisps swirled with the blue around your bodies, and you moved faster toward the crowd's edge. You pointed to the ground, where the horse was, and Arlutrix floated toward the horse. You both settled on the horse, and the whisps disappeared. Then, without thought, you pulled on the horse's reigns while Arlutrix wrapped his hands around your waist.

   " Y/n, that was crazy! "

   " It needed to be done! "

   " You realize you've just become an enemy of the kingdom, right? You were in the clear--"

   " It doesn't matter! Life wouldn't be worth living if you weren't here, Arlutrix! " 

   " Y/n--"

   " You were the one who cared and took the time to know me. You became the only person I could entrust my life to. Then, you helped me escape, changing both of our lives forever. Why would I let go of the only person that really cared enough about me to put his life on the line? "

You turned your head to look back at Arlutrix with a smirk displayed on your lips. Arlutrix's eyes widened, but he showed you a small smile. He held you close to his chest, looking back at the guards chasing you on horses. Arlutrix summoned an orange glow in his hand before throwing it at the cobblestone ground, with fire catching, and spreading, to stop the guards from following. Next, white whisps floated around his fingers before he threw them in front of you. The whisps exploded into tiny pieces but covered you, turning you invisible.

   " We need to get over the border as quickly as possible. "

   " So, keep heading East? " You asked.

   " Keep heading East, and don't stop. "

The horse you rode on went through the gate, keeping you hidden as you restarted your journey out of Vumaedal.

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