Chapter 8: Chained Up

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Late in the night, Lord Isembart was reading over documents, at his desk, by candlelight. The fireplace in his study was ablaze, but Lord Isembart needed a candle at his desk to read over the documents. Out of frustration, he moved his glasses from resting on his nose to resting on his head. 

   " Somebody, help me. Arlutrix! "

Arlutrix opened the doors to the study as fast as lightning and looked toward his master. Without looking at his servant, Lord Isembart gestured, with two fingers, for Arlutrix to come inside. Arlutrix stepped inside the study, closing the doors behind himself. The strange man walked toward the desk and stood in front of the cedar, red desk, holding his hands together in front of himself.  

   " Yes, my lord? "

Lord Isembart set his papers down and looked at Arlutrix. He rested his hands underneath his chin, displeased with his servant. 

   " Arlutrix, I have something on my mind I need to talk about with you. I can't let this slide by. "

   " Yes, my lord? "

   " I heard you stole a horse from the stables and rode away with my bride-to-be. Then, when you returned, she was soaking wet and shivering outside the manor. Is this all true? "

   " Yes, my lord. "

Arlutrix knew that he couldn't lie to his master. Lord Isembart had already heard about what he had done, and he couldn't lie now. If he lied, he would be wiped until he was burned red.

   " Why? "

   " While guarding her today, I noticed she was itching with anger. She left the church upset, and I believed a ride out of the city would calm her. We stopped to let the horse rest, and she went into a lake. I thought I should do what I could to serve the future lady of the house well. I had no other intentions. "

After his spill, the room fell to silence. His master closed his eyes, and a hearty sigh left his lips. Lord Isembart let his hands rest against the wooden desk, and his eyes fell to look at the fireplace and the crackling fire.

   " People in town are talking. I understand you were doing this for the best purpose, but do not get so close to her. Don't forget what happened years ago when that fire spread through the town, burning everything. "

Arlutrix lowered his head, understanding, what Lord Isembart was saying, but the words only made his blood burn. 

   " What a horrible time. You lost both of your parents that day. And that warlock cursed the king so severely that he died within the next week. Those were genuinely horrible times. "

   " . . . "

   " I wouldn't want anything like that to happen again. Do you understand? "

Arlutrix nodded, not saying a word, afraid his tone would show his anger. This was not the response; Lord Isembart was looking for. The master stood up from his desk, glaring at his servant.

   " I said do, you understand! "

Arlutrix felt a burning sensation around his throat, and he bowed his head, kneeling on the ground. 

   " Yes. " He whimpered, feeling the burning increase.

   " That sounded like a weak mouse. Say it! "

A metal collar materialized around Arlutrix's throat, light green whisps floating around, and a chain connected to the collar. The chain lay on the floor, but in Lord, Ismebart's hand was the end of the chain. The burning and tugging sensation increased around Arlutrix's neck as Lord Isembart pulled on the chain, pulling the collar. Arlutrix's throat slightly closed up from the suffocating chain, but he managed to say his words with enough volume to let his master stop hurting him.

   " Yes! "

   " Good. "

The chain and collar faded away, with Arlutrix's throat still feeling the confinements of the metal collar. 

   " Good, now get out. I have some paper work that needs to be done. "

   " Yes, my lord. "

Arlutrix bowed to Lord Isembart before leaving the study. Then, quickly, Arlutrix stepped into the living room, and through the fire, without worry about his clothes. He opened the door behind the fireplace and stepped into the only place that was safe from the world, safe from Lord Isembart.

The sound of a crackling fire disappeared as soon as he shut the door, and instead, the sound of chirping birds could be heard. Arlutrix looked around the small room, and instinctively his hand went to his throat, feeling the delicate skin. The wooden floor beneath him was smooth as he stared down at the intricate designs in the wood, but his mind, was in a frenzy, cursing his lord, though the curses would never work, given the chain around his neck.

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