Ch-39 Colourful Light Balls

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That need made almost all the people panic and scared, everyone was afraid and scared for unknown things and now unknown future, what would happen, what to do, these type of questions was rotating in almost everyone.

Lu Xi was almost ready for this before these zombies matter happened because she had the intuition about it and made herself ready, but now seeing and listening in reality still made her little afraid even though she has abundant powers.

That night in the sky, there was a strange phenomenon, whole night was dark as if there was no stars and no moon in the sky and everything was so quiet as if there is no one there.

But in actuality, all the people there fainted and became unconscious for some unknown reason, but also there was some strange colourfull light balls, the size of soybeans but couldn't be seen by naked eyes.

These balls of different colours came out from many different places like Earth, plants and trees, air, don't know what, but they have many colours in them and the strange thing is, they went to many places where were humans and where animals were.

And these colour balls entered those humans and also in many animals, but the strange thing was, these colour ful balls entered almost every human and animal but these colour balls entered in some of them and some didn't entered but crossed there bodies and went to another place.

And after that, some other colour balls entered in them and some other colourful balls entered in them and some didn't.

Just like this, these colourful balls also appeared in Lu Xi place and also tried to enter her body but all those different colourful balls just entered her body but no one crossed out from her body means no one crossed her body but absorbed by Lu Xi in her own body just like some other people but also totally different from other people.

Other people but not everyone only absorbed one colourful ball some absorbed even two but still some people with some exceptions absorbed three colourfull light balls into their bodies, but they were so rare that can be counted with two digits but no one could absorb more than three which was totally different for Lu Xi where Lu Xi absorbed almost every colourful balls in herself.

But the thing is, no one knew about this phenomenon and no one noticed about it because at this time every human, every animal, no matter big as an elephant or small as an ant lost their consciousness and couldn't notice this.

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