Ch-78 Inner Demon

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Lu Xi really felt tired after coming from that shop, not physically but mentally. It's only been some days but people's psychology changed so much that it became crooked and they don't even understand basic courtesy, they just want to snatch other people things.

She really can't understand if this is the real meaning of apocalypse. She thought in this end world, humans should be one and help each other to overcome this hard situation. And isn't superpower users should take on the responsibility to help other needy people, not much but just as much as they can. But all along this time what she saw is not ability users help other ordinary people but use them and show their superiority to others.

And in that shop, she wanted to help them but they take it as nothing and for granted after receiving her things.

Was she wrong before or her mentality was wrong now. She really couldn't differentiate her thoughts, what's right and what is wrong. She was confused and now she just wanted to go home and wanted a peace for sometime in alone.

She drove her car straight for her home and in between no matter how many zombies came in her way, she eliminated all of them, and since she was confused she didn't helped other humans which she saw on the way this time.

After coming to her destination her building, she came out of her car and put it in the space when she saw that there was no one and walked towards her home. On the way to her home she saw some people but she didn't look at them and they also saw that she has nothing in her hands fully empty, so they didn't bother her and she also reached her home.

And... all of these things were watched by The Lord. After throwing away the jade tablet and closing his eyes for cultivation, but only after some time he couldn't concentrate on it and opened his eyes.

After opening his eyes, his eyes fell 8n the jade tablet and he picked it up. He injected some power on that jade tablet and then Lu Xi's figure showed on it, after seeing this, there was a subtle smile on his face.

And he saw everything whatever happened to her in the shop and also found out that she was not calm and she was struggling with some thing.

He found it immediately and his smile gone and his expression became serious and solemn. He found that her inner demon was confusing her and if she didn't wake up in time, she will lose herself and become demon and with The Lords blood and it's powers, she will become a huge disaster to the world.

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