Ch-63 The Lord

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Red clothed man said "what to do now, we are already here, if we don't go to him now then we will suffer more."

Brown clothed man said " we are already a one step closer to success so it shouldn't be to hard this time. Right Orchard!" He asked to the green clothed woman.

And Orchard also showed some hesitation after listening to them but still comforted herself and give herself some confidence and said to them "no matter what we have to go to him and tell him the recent news maybe then he will not be upset"

"It seems that time gave you enough courage to talk about me behind my back"

Just when they were discussing about how to do suddenly a magnetic and deep voice sounded with a very cold feeling which made their back chilly.

They suddenly;et go of their hesitation and moved forward and put their hand on the cave wall and also gave a deep bowing salute to the inside man.

Even though that man was inside and can not touch them, but his voice is enough to scare them out of his wits. Even if it has become so many years they still can not forget their deep rooted respect and fear for this man.

When they all touched the cave wall, they saw the man inside and again gave him bow and red clothed man said" The Lord, we are absolutely sorry for making you wait for a long time. My Lord, it's all done and now you can see her through your jade tablet"

That man named 'The Lord' raised his head and glanced at the jade tablet beside his seat and then retracted his eyes and asked them with his deep and calm voice"how is the situation outside now" As if he was thinking about the situation outside but at the same time outside situation and matters had nothing to do with him.

Green clothed woman named Orchard said this time " The Lord, situation has become more and more chaotic, and they are very powerful to affect so many people and we can not do much. We can only watch it.

That man The Lord was listening to it but didn't give much reaction and didn't even change his facial expression as if just listening something uninteresting thing.

Just when he was becoming more and more bored with them, the brown clothed man opened his mouth and interrupted Orchard from talking further.

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