xiv. i can't quit you

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:: xiv. | i can't quit you

The heroes figured out where the snow monster came from and her name is Elsa. She's been trying to find her sister, Anna. No one knew where to start but when David came clean about knowing Anna and whatnot . . that's when the real action began.

Then something happened. Emma found something related to her past that she doesn't remember at all. It didn't make any sense and they still haven't found a way to bring that barrier down that's around all of Storybrooke.

Everyone was trying to figure out the next steps into the right direction but they didn't know what that was — neither did Elsa yet. That was until emma went snooping and found out about this ice cream shop but with the help of a fellow thief. So now, she had to figure out whose ice cream shop this belongs too. Not that it was going to be easy to do considering no one in Storybrooke has these type of powers.

Soon enough, Emma found a lead to this other ice sorcerer with the help of Elsa. They followed the ice trail from the woods that led to some small camp area. At first no one was there except them two as they were examining the area. Then all of a sudden they heard a noise of a twig crack and that's when they fled behind a tree.

Elsa and Emma peeked out their heads and there stood a woman in all white with her hair tied up. She seemed like some evil, snow witch sorcerer. Emma played back in her mind of a decision to make: attack now or make a plan.

• • •

Cora met cassandra at her place in the late afternoon. Their plan was ready and it was quite simple actually. Cora would go down to see hades and distract him while cassandra went to find Hercules as quick as she could.

It was easy tracking down hades. He may be a busy person but he wasn't hard to find. He was amongst everyone else dealing with business when Cora entered the scene. She was already doing his bidding so this could be just like a casual check in like usual. While she distracted him, cassandra had just entered hades's throne room.

She couldn't believe where she was. She knew Cora could only get her so much time, which meant she had none to waste. She wasn't sure if she was supposed to go left or right because one wrong move, then all of that time wasted would have been for nothing. She looked both ways before deciding.

"Right it is." She mumbled under her breath as she began to head in that direction.

This was her first time down there so she wasn't sure of what to expect so she made sure to stay cautious the whole time. It was dark, mucky, nowhere anyone should be.

As Cassandra continued down that path, Cora was having a pleasant chat with the fella.

"So, yes, I am all caught up with everything." Cora concluded as she slightly gave hades a nod.

His eyes were narrow as his brows, he didn't believe a word she said. He saw through her lies — anyone's lies. He tilted his head with a slight smirk.

He gently stepped closer to her, "Now why lie to me Cora? You know it gets you nowhere."

She hesitated, "I would never lie to you, sir."

With a wave of his hand, Cora was now in rags with a barrel sat in front of her. "Ah, just like the good ole Mills days." Just a single snap of his fingers, the two were back in his lair.

And Cassandra on the other hand, she was nowhere close to finding Hercules yet.

And Cassandra on the other hand, she was nowhere close to finding Hercules yet

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              This letter is going to be a bit different. Everything's been the same lately and I know you'll never read these — I don't know where you are or anything but I hope you're ok. I saw people that I never thought I would see again for forever actually. I ran into your parents two days ago. It felt like there was still a piece of you because they're still here. Our talk was short and quick, they still blame me for what happened to you — which I get. I blame me for what happened to Daniel too. A piece of you that hates me . . i guess I always knew since you did die at MY mother's hands.


a/n: sorry for the long wait !! im going to be giving Cassandra parents

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sorry for the long wait !!
im going to be giving
Cassandra parents. so
if you know any good
faceclaims who could
play her parents, let
me know !! <3

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