xxix. cold water

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GHOST OF YOU::  xxix

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:: xxix. | cold water

Cassandra stood at the town line. One more step and she'll be gone. She contemplated for sometime because she didn't want to leave Regina, but she couldn't stand being in the same town knowing Regina hates her.

Just as one foot lifted, about to step over that line, a hand gripped on Cassandra's arm. The burnette turned around and there stood Regina.

"I can't lose another person. You're the only one I have left, other than Henry."

"You don't hate me?"

"No, I don't." Regina put her hand by her side, "After some thinking and almost burning all of those letters, i realized something." Regina continued, "You had your own reasons of your actions. Robin . . . he didn't have to jump in front."

"If he didn't you wouldn't be here and I would've been in shambles." Cassandra reached for regina's hand, "Robin saved you out of love and if i was in his position, I would've done the same thing."

Her eyes stayed on Cassandra's and just for a split moment, she felt like they were teenagers again.

Just for a moment . . .

Then reality kicked back in, "Now who's going to take care of Roland?"

"Roland?" Cassandra didn't know of whom Regina was talking about now.

The queen nodded, "Robin's son. I can't just leave him alone. I'm sure he'll be just fine with the merry men but . . . "

"You'd feel closer to Robin if taking care of Roland." Cassandra finished her thought and with a nod of confirmation from Regina, the burnette continued, "Why not adopt him?"

The queen lightly smiled, "One problem at a time. Let's go plan robin's funeral."

Cassandra picked up her back and slung it over her shoulder, following Regina back to town by her side. Although Regina said she wasn't upset at Cassandra, the burnette can't help but think maybe just a little bit it might not be true.

Regina is Regina and although, deep down, she said she wasn't upset at Cassandra . . . she still needs time. Losing someone you love is never easy.

• • •

A couple of days had gone by and it was finally the day of robin's funeral. The funeral was set to be early in the day, the peak of noon.

ghost of you, 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now