xxvi. needless to say

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GHOST OF YOU::  xxvi

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::  xxvi. | needless to say

Regina stormed through the door of the Charming's residence. She had just seen something and they were the first people she thought of to tell.

Regina stood in front of the door, waiting after she knocked on it. As soon as it opened, she headed in, passing hook. She didn't care to greet anyone too much in that moment because the information she held was quite serious and needed to be rushed.

She pulled off her black gloves, "I've got bad news."

Charming shook his head, "When is there isn't."

Regina continued, "I saw hades sulking around last night. He's up to something."

Hook approached the group, "And what would that be? He has everything he wants —— freedom and Zelena. What would he want with Storybrooke?"

The queen just shrugged, "I don't know but whatever it is, it's not good."

The small group of heroes continued to talk amongst each other of this sudden matter. It wasn't that they didn't believe Regina, it was more so that concrete evidence was needed.

If anyone had any idea of what hades could be up to, it would be Cassandra. That's exactly who crossed Regina's minds.

She filled the group in of how she would go about getting information but before she left the charming's resident, she needed to talk with David in private. The two found their way out the front door and stood on the steps.

"What is it, regina?"

"I saw you and Cassandra talking yesterday." A sharp sigh left her lips, "Why?"

David's tongue clicked, "I didn't know it was a crime talking to someone."

"It isn't but you don't know her, so you have no reason."

His back leaned against the door, "I'm just looking out for you."

"Well, stop." She spoke firmly, "Cassandra is my business, not yours. She's not involved in anything, so it stays that way." She finished, "I'm only saying this once —— leave her alone."

The queen turned on her heels and continued her way out the residence. Her heels clicked as she walked down the steps, leaving David to his thoughts which were everywhere in that moment.

ghost of you, 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now