Chapter Thirty-Eight

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They had taken me out of that cell for some reason

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They had taken me out of that cell for some reason. I was now in a bedroom with no windows and dim lighting. They hadn't tortured or beat me up for two days now but that did nothing to the pain and swelling all over my face and body.

I pulled the covers closer to me and tried to snuggle more under the sheets. I wanted to disappear and reappear somewhere else. I just wanted this torture to end.

The bedroom door opened and a woman walked in. She offered me two pills and a bottle of water. I looked between the pills and her.

"For the pain," she said dryly like she wanted to be anywhere but here.

I slowly got up and took the pills from her. I don't know what it was, these pills could be anything but painkillers. I wasn't going to swallow them. She kept staring at me, waiting for me to put them in my mouth. So, I did, I placed the pills under my tongue and took a sip of water.

The woman took the bottle of water back from me and left the room. Once she was gone, I got up and limped my way to the bathroom, I spit out the pills into the toilet and flushed them. I gargled some water and again with great difficulty, walked out of the bathroom.

My breath hitched as I saw Ignacio sitting on the edge of the bed. His eyes met mine and I instinctively took a step back. This man had a menacing aura that scared me to death, and considering how he had kept me here—for I don't even know how many days—I wasn't going to mess with him or do something stupid that could get me killed or worse.

"Where is the key?"

The color drained from my face and the hair on the back of my neck rose. They had been asking me the same question for days. Something about a key, something about a stupid key. I didn't know anything about it. "I don't know, I swear, I'm not lying to you. If I did, I would have told you already," my voice quivered, and I could feel my insides trembling.

"What did your father say to you before he died? I saw the security camera footage, he was talking to you..." his eyes narrowed.

I put a hand over the side of my stomach as it throbbed with agonizing pain. Tears welled up in my eyes once more as I thought about my dad's last words. I leaned my head against the nearby wall and let the tears flow.

“Goodbye, my precious little girl.”

He got up from the bed and walked over to me. He came close to me, so damn close that I could hear the sound of his breathing.

"What did he say?"

"He—he said, goodbye..."

"I believe you, little girl," he whispered, catching me off guard. "Now if I ask you another question, do you promise to tell the truth?" I peeked at his dark, chilling eyes and then immediately diverted my gaze back to my feet.


"What do you have on Nikolai Costello?" he asked.

I frowned and swallowed uneasily. What do I have on him? I have nothing on Nikolai. He and I aren't even on talking terms anymore.

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