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"just one more book!" i tell kit, placing another book in his arms before running back into the isle i just came from.

i crouch down to the floor as i scan the shelves for the book i saw just a few moments ago. i then hear someone walking down the isle and stop right behind me.

turning around to face the person, i realize it's not kit like i thought it would be. it's a little girl.

her curly black hair is tied up in two pigtails that lay onto her shoulders and she smiles at me shyly. her dark brown eyes hold so much admiration that i want to engulf her in the biggest hug just because of how cute she is.

"do you need something?" i ask.

she nods, "my dad really likes your music. he told me not to talk to you. he said you're probably really busy but i feel like he's been really sad lately. so i want you to give him an autograph to make him happy."

her voice is small and she mixes up how she pronounce the letters K and T.

"of course i can." i tell her causing her to smile real big. the way she's grinning makes her eyes crinkle on the corners and her teeth peak from below her lips.

"thank you!" she giggles, "i'm going to go get him now! stay here!"

with that, the little girl runs away happily. as she leaves the isle, someone else enters it. kit. he's still holding my huge pile of books in his arms.

"what was that all about?" he asks, referring to the little girl.

"oh, she just asked for an autograph. her dad is apparently a huge fan." i tell him, "anyway, i'll just get one more book. this is the last one, i promise."

"i'd buy this entire store if you ask me to." he says, smiling at me.

"you don't have to say that." i tell him placing the final book on the top of the stack. "i can pay for them, don't worry."

"no. let me."

"no no, it's fine." i try and grab the books from him but he holds them away, not letting me pay. "kit!"

"i asked you to hang out, i can be the one to pay."

i reach for them again but he moves away, "kit! let me pay!"


just as i reach for the books again, i stumble. colliding with kit, i pull him to the ground with me. along with us, the books fall to the floor around us.

his head hits the ground and im suddenly on top of him. with my legs on either side of his hips, his eyes are on mine. i look back at him, my hair pooling around his face.


as quickly as i can, i get off of kit and stand up. standing a few feet away us, the little girl and her dad stare at kit and us in shock.

☆  ★  ☆


𝑺𝑳𝑼𝑴𝑩𝑬𝑹 - 𝐤𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐫  { ✓ }Where stories live. Discover now