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joe's POV

kit and lee have been flirting all morning. lee came down to the dining area later than everyone else. and when she walked up to us, we could all see the way kit's eyes lit up when he saw her.

their feelings for each other are cute. don't get me wrong, i support the two of them being together. but the way they deny their feelings is absolutely driving me insane.

at first, i wasn't as supportive of them getting together.

lee is my best friend and i've seen her get her heartbroken before. i couldn't bare to let her go though that again.

then i realized how much kit really liked her. he's in love with her. he would never break her heart. ever. but then i started getting frustrated with how long it's taking them to admit their feelings.

i want to rip all of my hair out and bash my head against the wall when i watch them.

lee loves kit. kit loves lee. it's not that fucking confusing, my god.

"you see this too, right?" will whispers to me, gesturing to kit and lee.

"of course i see it." i snap at him. oops. maybe that was a bit too aggressive. "sorry, i'm just sick of them dragging it out like this."

"it's okay, we all are." will agrees with a chuckle. "but love like this takes time. if they get together from someone forcing them to, their relationship wouldn't be real."

i sigh, "you're right."

"i know." will states, clearly proud of himself. "plus, kit told me he was in love with her. so they'll get together soon, trust me."

"what!?" i shout.

i knew they were in love, but kit has actually admitted it!? they might get together sooner than i thought. thank god.

i notice everyone at the table is looking at me, confused. i may have yelled a little too loud. it was out of excitement though, i promise.

once they all get back to their conversations, will looks at me again.

"i don't think i was supposed to tell anybody about that, by the way. so don't tell anyone, please." he says. "especially not lee!"

"okay." i promise. will nods and starts talking to yaz.

i look over at kit and lee again. they're still talking. we've been at this table for hours. nobody is eating anymore. i don't understand why we're still sitting here. in these hard, wooden chairs in the corner of the dining hall.

our table is in the far corner with a dull, broken light above us.

"i don't want you to leave." i hear kit say to lee.

oh. now i get it.

lee is leaving to go on tour tonight. she's going overseas and she'll be gone for a long time. if kit's really in love with her, it'll be hard for him to be without her for so long.

maybe that's why he's been talking to her, nonstop. he's trying to spend time with her while he still can.

lee smiles. at him in response.

i've seen lee smile. a lot. i mean, she loves me jokes so i see her smile all the time. but there's something weird about the way she smiles at kit. it's not the same way she smiles at me.

i expected that, of course. she has a major crush on him and i'm just her friend. that's fine, whatever. but this seems like more than a little old crush. a lot more.

☆  ★  ☆

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