Part 2~ bad choices

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"Eli!" Elijah stepped forward, as a female wrapped her arm around him, he tried to push her off  "scarlet please let go." Scarlet let go and started to pout, before her eyes lit up "guess what! I'm staying for a week!" She said, Elijah backed up, rage in his eyes.

After dinner Elijah stormed to his father's office, slamming open his door to see his father typing away on his computer "you know you're supposed to knock." Elijah slammed the door closed before knocking and then walked to him " what the hell, your letting them stay here!" Elijah's father looked up from his computer "Elijah Walter don't you dare raise your tone with me." Elijah rolled his eyes " I mean I just can't understand, why, why, why would you let them stay!" Elijah's father slammed his hand on his desk "Elijah! Drop it!" Elijah's fills with rage and pure hate "No because I really wanna know! Like I wanna know now!" Elijah voice getting a had more louder "Elijah!" His father's voice louder then he has ever heard it, his father getting up and grabbing him by his collar "Elijah we are not talking about this, bring this up again and im going to beat your @$$, got it." Elijah's eyes fill with tears as he slowly nods.

Time skip - Monday

Elijah gets up and gets ready for school, when he got to school he saw Scarlett with Taylor and they were having a nice conversation until scarlet saw Elijah "Eli!" She said running at him, Scarlett jumped on Elijah bringing him to the floor "Scarlett get the f**k off me!" Elijah yelled, Scarlett jumped and got off him tears filled her eyes, Elijah got up and left.

Time skip - after school

Elijah decide to just go home, although he'd soon to regret it.

"Why, I just wanna know." Elijah's father said, Elijah was looking his feet "tell me!" Elijah's father now getting louder, Elijah just shrugged, Elijah's father smacked him "Tell me!" Elijah looked at him and slowly said " I don't know." His father turned around smashing a vase next to him "tell me!"

Elijah woke up, and got up, sitting down at his desk and looking in the mirror he saw a couple cuts on his face but it's fine, at school everyone was looking at him nothing new but he hated it so he decided to skip school since there wouldn't be any one in the music room so Elijah went there, he started playing with tears down his face.

Elijah had told the girl he taught himself to play the piano but in reality it was his mom, his father hated when he played his mom's old piano after she past 7 years ago when he was eight, his father blamed many things on him after her death because Elijah was the only one with her when she past, as he was playing he heard the door open so he quickly wipe his tears as he heard the door close knowing someone had walk in "piano boy, your here." Elijah recognize the voice immediately it was the girl "hey." Elijah said with a shaking voice "hey, are you ok?" The girl said stepping forward "yeah I'm fine just thinking." Elijah said trying to calm his voice "do you wanna talk about it?" She said stopping behind him, he slightly turned "it ok, it's nothing." Elijah said turning back to the piano, the girl sat in a chair that was right next to him "my name is Taylor if your wondering." Elijah looked at her, even in the dark you could see Elijah's head turn "do I know you, you seemed really surprised!" Elijah was scrambling for words "i-uh i- no." He said as he started playing again, but then hit the wrong note because his cuts were starting to hurt "hey you ok?" Elijah stopped playing "yeah, I have to go." Elijah said as he got up and left.

Time skip - later that evening

Elijah was walking in an ally way, when he heard a scream followed by crying, he ran to where the sound was coming from and he saw Scarlett with Taylor, Scarlett was on the ground and bleeding well Taylor was being cornered, Elijah ran to them "hey what the hell do you think you're doing!" Elijah said getting the attention, one of them looked at him "this little lady owes me some cash, so you should just walk along." Elijah stepped forward "touch them again and im going to break you hand!" The guy looked at the girl then him "I'd like to see you try." The guy said pulling out a knife and stepping forward, Elijah also stepped forward, they were now about 3 feet away from each other "Eli no he has the upper hand!" Elijah heard Scarlett scream, The guy through a punch that Elijah easily dogged, before Elijah through a punch that the guy barely dogged.

Elijah won the fight and indeed broke the guys hand, the girls were shocked but before they could leave the police showed up and quickly took Elijah into custody.

Elijah was bailed out by his dad, who was not proud but not disappoint, Elijah was grounded but he was fine with that.


Hey hope you enjoyed this chapter ^⁠_⁠^


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