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"Leone!" Counselor Gomez immediately met my gaze with a kind smile as well as a joyful glint in her eye that I was subtly envious of

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"Leone!" Counselor Gomez immediately met my gaze with a kind smile as well as a joyful glint in her eye that I was subtly envious of. "Good morning!"

I gulped to clear my throat before taking my usual seat right before her. "Good morning to you too, Mrs. Gomez."

She took a sip of her tea. "I'm so glad to see your face has been healing up." She adjusted the frame of her glasses and continued. "I mean don't get me wrong, the Hello Kitty bandaid suits you well but I'm just happy to see you're doing fine-is what I'm trying to say."

I shyly grazed my finger over the thin material that was stuck onto my nose. "Um, if it's not too much trouble, do you think I can maybe ask you for more?"

"Of course!" I was glad to have noticed her face remained neutral towards my vague request, not questioning what I needed to cover up or anything else of that matter. "Here you go, I even included a couple more Sanrio characters just for you."

"Thanks." I say softly with a tiny smile that grew larger once I had observed the adorable designs plastered all over the bandaids.

"So how was your weekend?" She joins her hands together before curiously continuing.

An overwhelming sequence of events quickly flashed through my mind, shaping her question to be so trivial to me even though it wasn't. "Um-it was okay."

She does a couple nods before taking out the usual journal she writes on. "And how are things at home?" She asks as I couldn't help but nervously watch her prepare to write.

"Well you know-" My lips crinkled before coming up with a safe response, so safe that it wouldn't bring any unwanted curiosity that could potentially make my father angry. "The same."

"The same?" She presses gently, looking at me with an intent that was strong enough to make me expand upon my words even further.

"Yeah the same, well m-maybe except for one thing." I bit my lip before continuing. "I think I made a friend, but I'm not sure." My tone audibly began to shut down as I kinda felt ashamed to say that out loud.

"Well that sounds lovely." Her eyes flickered in curiosity. "May I ask who it is? Is it a student here at Maybella?"

"Mmmno, he's homeschooled." I shook my head. "It's the boy-my neighbor I mean." I continue further. "We've been able to see each other more often. We talk using messages written on white paper."

My words caused her brows to slowly rise as if she deemed that to be adorable. "May I ask why the both of you decided to use that form of communication?"

"W-Well it's because I don't have a phone and I can't really raise my voice that loud." I explain while visibly gathering up my thoughts.

"I see." She nods understandingly before glinting her lips up. "And is that where the doubts come from? Would it be better if you guys talked through a phone? Maybe face to face?"

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