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"This better be important, Dydan

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"This better be important, Dydan." Ikaris paced across the hall to enter my room with an unimpressed facial expression. "Unlike you, I actually care about studying for the final test."

"This is important." I sat on the edge of the bed, barely able to stop my fingers from fidgeting and my feet from tapping on the floor as I was undoubtedly filled with joy and excitement. "I asked him out." I breathed out in disbelief.

Her jaw immediately fell as she quickly rushed to sit right beside me. "You're joking."

"I'm not." I shook my head with a quiet yet cheerful laughter. "We're going to Cloud Lake later to catch the sunset."

She slowly nodded in approval. "Nice, took you both long enough to finally date-you know I'm kinda glad it went well considering the fact that you can be really cringey sometimes." I threw her an unimpressed look as she teasingly chortled. "Tell me more."

"Well yesterday while we were walking home, we were talking about our future selves and I just-you know, I asked him out and-" I couldn't help but momentarily smile up at the roof at the thoughts and images of Leone seamlessly slipping into my mind. "I kissed him."

Ikaris let out an audible gasp as a never before seen glimmer had taken over her eyes. "Dydan that's... you know-I'd normally want to vomit after hearing all that romance, but I must say, that is quite a beautiful thing to hear." We smiled into each other as she pat me on the back. "I'm happy for you."

"You should've seen the look on his face, Ikaris." I reminisced with a rare sigh out of contentment. "When I asked him out its like he couldn't believe it-he even thought I was only joking at first. It's like he couldn't believe that someone actually likes him the way that I do. I found it crazy because him out of all people should be the last person to ever feel that way around me, but I don't mind it, I don't mind constantly having to prove myself to him-I'll do it until he believes me."

I watched as my sister's face fell. "Wow. You really like this boy, don't you?"

"Of course I do." I answered without any hesitation. "Leone's more than worthy of all the love, care, and happiness in the world while I-well I'm not."

"You're not?" Ikaris furrowed her brows.

"I like to pretend that I do. I pretend a lot." I shrugged as I no longer could hide my true emotions from my little sister. "The truth is all I've ever wanted in my life was to feel normal, and now that there's someone that's come to do just that I can't help but feel the burden and fear that comes with him having to eventually know the truth of it all, the truth of what I am, what I did-everything."

"Well-" Ikaris cautiously teetered on the question I knew she was going to follow up with. "When is that gonna happen? When are you planning to tell him everything?"

I could feel the sweat slowly form on my forehead and my palms as I broke my gaze away from her in momentary contemplation. "Later on during our date." My voice cracked out.

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