Tales of Athera: The Well

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He is trapped broken whole.

He is sitting standing running.

He is crying laughing silent.

He is in time.

He is in a Well.

"Time is a river," he heard once. An endlessly flowing river. But that is not true, not here at least. If Time is a river then Time ebbs and flows. Time can be stagnant or rushing. There the analogy falls apart. He thinks about this as he lives. He lives trapped in a cage. He dies in a cage. There are no bars, and there is no door. If there is no door then there is no lock. It is confusing to think about. He hardly remembers anything in order anymore; purely existing is a dissociating experience. He remembers his team: an AIT(? What does that mean?) team, finding him in the woods. He remembers getting a weapon. He Blinks. He remembers taking on eyes and teeth and claws. He Blinks. In the space between his eyes, he sees lights and strings. He sees a man, dead, demolished by rubble and something worse. He Blinks. He remembers his gun jamming, so he jammed it down a beast's throat. He Blinks. He remembers three colors. He Blinks. He remembers a pit, under a well. He remembers remembering. He Blinks. He remembers his team, with an anchor. He remembers his team, an anchor. He remembers decay. He is decaying. He Blinks. Here he is.

He is realizing looking crying.

He is cutting binding staying.

He is new old eternal.

He is in Time.

He is in a Well.

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