Tales Of Athera: Neon

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The Swordslinger walks through the empty city. It was raining, but she was used to rain. Neon lights blink and hum above, casting the growing puddles with rainbows of eye-burning colors. Great blocky buildings rose out of the ground, nondescript and versatile. She sighed. There were no people. A grocery store was next to her, with wide windows displaying all the available purchases. There was no one behind the counter to watch the empty store. There were no cameras in the store. The Swordslinger shivers, but not from the cold. How easy it would be to hide in the dark alleyways where the neon lights do not reach. How easy it would be to watch from above, in the empty apartments. She had walked into one before leaving. She was looking for a place to rest. It was empty of people. There was an empty fridge, empty cabinets, empty shelves, empty closets. She felt watched, even though the entire apartment was empty. The floor was a perfect yellow rug, matching the warm walls. The bedroom was empty too, nothing but a large bed dominating the room. She didn't sleep much. She stands in the rain and wonders what happened to this abandoned city. 

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