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Joel's POV

We returned to Stonehenge and followed the instructions that Patricia gave before she left the other day. She said as long as we drip Garrett's blood on the grass, we should be able to enter again, she just warned us to do it at night when there was less likely to be tourists.

When we made our way back down the stairs and to the podium, there was a different set of instructions.

The moondrop flower is what you seek next. It only grows once every 100 years, will you be the lucky one to find it? This is a necessary ingredient for the poultice.

"So we should probably wait to make the poultice." I told the others.

"Yeah, I would say so." Brent retorted.

"Where the hell do we even find this flower? This is some bullshit!" Colten exclaimed. I had to agree. What was the point of these trials?

"Once every 100 years? That's some more bullshit!" Brent chipped in.

"Did Lucifer say how many trials there were?" I asked Brent but he just shook his head no.

"What if this is just a wild goose chase?" Damien whispered.

"But what if it isn't? What other option do we have?" I asked.

"We don't have any other option." Max said.

We left the tomb and decided to retreat to the hotel room.

"Does anyone have the Asmodeus's phone number?" Colten said.

We all just looked around at each other, obviously none of us did. I tried to call Rose but the phone just went to voicemail. I tried Sophie next to see if she's seen Rose but her phone also went to voicemail. I started to get a bad feeling so I tried Sebastian next and again, voicemail.

"I think we should head back to town for now. Something isn't right." I told the guys, "I can't reach anyone."

We booked the next flight out so we could go check on things.

Rose's POV

I was wandering around Merihem's home, trying to find something to do. He left to go "attend to business" so I was left alone. I tried every door and window but had no success opening anything. I even tried screaming to see if I could crack the windows like before but, nothing.

I plopped down on the couch in the living room and sighed. I rubbed my eyes, sick and tired of this kidnapping bullshit.

While I was pondering how life got this way I heard a tappity tap on one of the windows. I walked over and took a peek and saw a strange creature. It was short with sharp horns, jagged teeth, claws, pitch black with red eyes.

I stepped back in shock. The creature smiled largely at me, showing more of it's jagged teeth before it drew a large circle on the window with one of it's claws and pushed, popping the circular piece of glass out. I looked at it curiously and it tilted it's head to the side, looking back at me while slowly moving back. I walked towards the hole and cautiously stepped out. To say Hell was hot is an understatement. Instantly my skin was coated with a sheen of sweat.

"Do you speak?" I asked the creature but it just tilted it's head at me and began to trot off. I looked side to side and felt my only option was to follow the strange creature that helped me.

It began to trot faster and faster until I was ultimately going at a full run just to keep up. After a few minutes of running we reached a section of Hell where it wasn't all brimstone and fire. There was a fluorescent blue light coming down from the sky. I looked up but was unable to see where it went. The creature stepped into the light and seemed to disappear. I slowly approached the light and stuck my hand in. It felt like a wind tunnel. Taking a chance, I breathed in deeply and entered the light. I closed my eyes felt like I was floating for a few minutes before I felt my feet touch the ground. I opened my eyes and came face to face with Asmodeus, still inside a cage.

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