The lady and The lunch box 🤍🍙

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he was hungry, she was cooking❕

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he was hungry, she was cooking

Saiki talking- (name)
Saiki thinking- (name) edited

Saiki talking- (name)Saiki thinking- (name)     edited

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chapter 2
1234 word count

Saiki was just about ready to snap.

he was currently on the run from all of his daily nuisances. taking refuge on the rooftop, which was off limits for students. he had bought some time for now and that was all that mattered, well not all that mattered

the scorching sun beat down on him, it was hot for early spring and he was already sweating a little, he quickly made his way behind the entry building that lead to the stairs, the shadow cast from the structure seemed like a perfect place to relax. the bench on the back of the building where he knew no one could bother him sounded very pleasing.

as soon as Saki laied down on the bench a loud rumble sounded from the roof. it was his stomach, in his haste to get away from the mosquitoes plaguing his every day life he had skipped lunch! his most sacred meal!! Still he closed his eyes trying to push the hunger from his mind. Im not sure if you've ever tried but to relax on an empty stomach is very hard.


it was only louder this time.

Saiki sat up and placed a hand on his stomach as he brainstormed on what to do. He couldn't teleport home to make something to eat, his grandparents where staying over for the week and from what he could see, they were making themselves quite at home. his grandpa sprawled lazily on the couch, his grandma in the kitchen. home was a no go...

another loud complaint from his stomach sounded,

He could teleport to the nearest cafe to get his well needed sugar rush, but he was running low on cash, having spent most of this months allowance on his bad eating habits. Comedically a small moth flew out of his wallet When he opened it check how much he had on him

yeah, broker than a hooker in a nunnery.

The few coins he had were barely enough for a drink in the school vending machine, let alone any dessert he had hoped to buy.

Sugar Love ♡ -(Various!TDLOSKxreader)Where stories live. Discover now