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I froze as my chest tightened, that stiff air inside fighting to be let out to the surface. Taking a deep breath in, holding it stiffened my body even more, as I tried to push it all down since I knew what was coming along with it. But I couldn't. My eyes stung as the air rushed out and my hand was instantly wet with its content. I grabbed my handkerchief from my pocket quickly, wiping off the blood from my hands as I felt the hair on my body stand at Lore's eyes on me.

She moved closer, her brows scrunched up and eyes squinting at me. It didn't take a genius to know she'd seen something.

"Is — is everything okay?" she mumbled.

I fixed my grin back in place, pushing down every ache tearing away in my chest. With how determined Abigail seemed to want her to have fun, I knew the last thing she needed was to worry. And I didn't want her to either. It wasn't the moment for that.

"Definitely. It was just a slight discomfort," I replied, stuffing my handkerchief back into my pocket before she could get wind of it, and then nudged my head to Abigail's retreating figure. "Though I doubt it would stay that way if we don't get going after Abigail now."

She pursed her lips. Though her brows dropped, she still narrowed her eyes at me. "Are you...?"

"Yes. Now, come on. I would hate to have your best friend hate me because I'm keeping you all to myself," I said with a grin that softened her eyes and brought forth that soft smile that found a way to soothe a portion of the ache in my chest.

"Fine," she huffed after much reluctance just as Abigail turned around to see that we weren't right behind her.

"What are you still waiting for?!"

Lore took her eyes off me, taking the lead to Abigail and I sighed, adjusting my scarf tightly around my neck. I really didn't need another episode. Definitely not with her around. Not now, when the utmost release of burden that I'd been searching for this past year seemed to be swirling in the air around her.

I took in a deep breath and went on behind her with that grin that kept the smile on her face, not giving any thought to scratches of pain building up in my chest.

A Moment With You | ONC 2023 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now