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Hui Jie's POV:
    Damn, what a weirdo.

[at the airport 2 days later]

    I was one of the last people to arrive. And I'll blame it all on my alarm clock, which conveniently decided to stop functioning today, out of all the other days. I scanned the crowd of familiar faces (well, duh. They're my classmates.) trying to catch a glimpse of that annoying brunette. Ugh, why does she have to be my partner? I would rather break my bones again.
    I heard a loud, piercing honk that blared and echoed throughout the airport terminal. Oh was there a fire? Do I get to go home now? My short-lived sense of hope was immediately doused when I saw the headlights of a sleek, black seven-seater car turning into the airport's drop-off point. "Just how many cars does she have?" I groaned quietly.
    The doors slid open and Lilith stepped out...dressed in a white cropped hoodie with a puffy white winter jacket over it. She had on a pair of high-waisted white sweatpants and platform sneakers, which added another 2 or so inches to her height. Ironic, we were in the middle of summer; it was a blazing 29.5°C outside. She spotted me and adjusted the white bucket hat, which fitted perfectly on her head and complimented her brown tresses flawlessly, and glided towards me.
    "Hi," she said, combing through her hair with her fingers.
    "Why are you dressed so extra every time?" I mumbled.
    I looked around to see if everyone had gotten over Lilith's dramatic entrance. Thankfully they did and returned to their hushed conversations. I guess everyone was used to her being a drama queen by now.
    "What happened to 'hi'? Or 'hello'?" she responded, feigning shock.
    I sighed.
    "Come on, let's go get checked in," I muttered, grabbing Lilith's hand and dragging her and my luggage to join the others. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed her trying to suppress a smile

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