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My heart raced being in her presence. I could always pull off a poker face, but the second any contact was made I felt as though I'd melt.

What was it?
What did I find intriguing?

Her smile,
Her laugh,
Her speech pattern,
Her story,
Her connections,
Her everything..


It wasn't an obsession, I was just fascinated by her. She's beautiful, smart, flexible, easy to work with. Maybe this isn't a crush. Maybe I'm curious about her.

We'll call it an intrigue.

"Hey Law, I took over Bepo's chores for the day. Did 'em before he could wake up." (Y/n) spoke.

I looked up at her to see her looking at me with a thumbs up and a smile, then she took off to do her own thing. "(Y/n)." I called calmly

She came back and looked at me curiously "yes, captain?"

"Are you sleeping well?" I asked

"Not really.. Why?" She asked

"I've noticed you're doing twice the amount I asked of you out of boredom. I've checked surveillance cameras and saw you walking around at 2:15 every morning." I spoke

"Ah, yeah I've been overthinking is all." She spoke softly as she tried looking away

"You can't do anyone else's chores for them.. That's not how we run things. They're for them for a reason." I said calmly

"Then what am I supposed to do? No one is awake at that time, so I can't talk to anyone. I can't sit there by myself, otherwise I'll have a mental breakdown. I can't do.. Nothing.. I have to do something within that time."

"Sleep." I suggested

"Thanks, Captain Obvious. The problem is I can't sleep." She spoke with such annoyance that I created a ball of annoyance in me.

"Then tell me. I don't sleep often, so talk to me until you get tired." I spoke trying to keep calm.

"... I don't want to annoy you." She mumbled softly. I started getting angry at how she changed so quickly

"What!?" I asked making her jolt a bit.

"Like that.." She said softly as she walked away

"Get back here!" I yelled only to be ignored.

'Why does she think she's annoying.. Someone must've said something. Or wait... Did I do that to her? I mean, I did unintentionally yell at her. I've done that before.. Maybe I've been too harsh on her.. She's had a rough time previously, and me yelling definitely doesn't help.' I thought to myself as I finished

Time skip

(Y/n) POV

Everyone on the Sub has been drinking their fair share of alcohol. Penguin was slurring so bad that you'd think he were tired. Shachi was already sleeping with what remained of the alcohol in his bottle spilling on him. Bepo had been asleep for the past 30 minutes while the party was still strong.

What was the party for?

I can't remember.

I was drunk enough to forget what was said 4 hours ago, but not drunk enough to be out drank. I've drank 5 people under the table. Ikkaku, Shachi, Jean, Bepo, and I'm still on Penguin.

"•°~You godda high alcol tollince~°•" Law slurred

"Mm~°• Verr much~°•" I slurred a bit

Suddenly someone hit the deck. When I turned to look, Penguin had dropped. His pucker's sour apple mix with vodka and a snowball spilled throughout the floors of the dining area. "°•Thas five!°•" I cheered happily

"Hmm.. Thinkin' Imma take --" Law paused for a hiccup "°•I wanna show ya loving'.°•" he cooed as he leaned towards me.

"You're drunk°•!" I said half assed feeling it.

"°•Please ~°•" he hummed sweetly.

"Lemme put on yer makeup°•" I said softly

"°•Mine?°•" he questioned

"Mm-hm." I cooed and took Ikkaku's makeup pallet and started using it on Law, who was currently smiling and admiring the way I intensely looked at him.

When he was done, his face was painted in various colours. Red under the eyes making his yellow-ish orange eyes pop more as I put a layer of eyeliner on the waterlines of his eyes. Lips painted fresh tulip pink as he seemed to be having a great time off in his drunken state. I started giggling like a child at how he looked with the fresh paint of makeup. I took a drink of his spirytus mixed with sake. Allowing the liquid into my mouth, my tongue became bitter, it burned my nose as it trailed down my throat, killing whatever lubrication was back there. I washed it down with my softer alcoholic drink. "°•Gaah- how you drink tha~•°" I asked as I started slurring my words

"°•To ferget~•°" his words were deep, yet saddened. He knew what he was doing, he was completely aware of himself, yet he looked completely drunk. The look in his eyes seemed to tell a story that was only told for those who knew what he suffered, and a hidden message for those who were outsiders.

"°• Den les forget~•°" I suggested.

I grabbed the bottle of the Spirytus and opened a new bottle, then chugged it as fast as I could as he copied my actions. We both puckered out lips after the bottle was empty, the alcohol destroying our brains. Warmth engulfed my body as my tongue became thick. The room started spinning, the faster I moved the faster I moved. I leaned against Law then started giggling, he gave me a smile and allowed me to lean against him. He moved his legs to let my body rest against his chest. He lifted my chin up so I looked at him from upside down, making me laugh at how he was acting. His thumbs grazed over my face gently as I did the same to him, it was the most human interaction I've ever had.

I felt safe.

After a couple minutes, the lights began to blur, the lines of boundaries also started to blur over and I'm certain he felt the same.

"•°Cap'n?~•°" I asked curiously as his expression changed from one of having casual fun, to a sudden seriousness. His printed skin blending nicely against his natural tan was a gorgeous sight to behold. It was as though I had been looking at a God.

His hands trailed from my face to my neck, creating a sense of instability in my system. My mind told me to run, but my body just wouldn't cooperate.

His hand slowly eased its way to my chest. I knew he could feel my heart beating faster with his unpredictable movements. His eyes became dark as he seemed extremely serious, but the way he shifted slightly from where he sat told me he wasn't 100% conscious in his decision making. Suddenly his hand went straight to my sides, his fingers danced across a spot that created bubbles in my throat. I tried holding them back only have them burst out into laughter. I squirmed around under him as tears pricked the corners of my eyes with laughter.

'This feeling... What was this exactly?'

He stopped after his own laughter could be heard to follow mine. "°•Yer adorble.~•°" He smirked. My face became hot, I knew my face became pink as he brought his hand back to the side of my face. "°•Yer warm•°~" he cooed

I was left speechless, which only created a cockiness for the captain. The smell of his drunk breath became more evident the closer her got. It was like he was studying me.

Suddenly I felt his lips press against mine. My shoulders tensed as his lips danced across mine delicately. Our noses meeting each others chin's as he held my head like I was someone important to him. Someone more than just a crewmate. I relaxed in his touch. He feels as though I can call him a home.

Home is where the heart is. I think he just stole mine.

When we separated I bit my bottom lip gently, tasting his against mine still despite the fact that the warmth was no longer there. It felt as though traces of his lips still lingered against mine, like a ghost.

My heart felt warm, our brains still fuzzy with alcohol poisoning our deductive reasoning. It felt nice.

We didn't go any farther than a kiss, but we enjoyed ourselves.

Law Trafalgar x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin