05: Hoodie

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"Where'd you put my clothes?" Wooyoung's confused voice rang out when got up to change, but only now noticed that his suitcase was nowhere in sight.

"Oh, I put them in the middle and bottom drawer." San got up as well, walking past Wooyoung to opened the mentioned drawers to reveal the smallers belongings. "I put the other things in your suitcase in here." San motioned towards the rather large basket that was now on top of the dresser.

"Okay...where's my suitcase?" Wooyoung's voice lowered, sounding skeptical because a part of him was.

"I put it outside to let it air out." San rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I didn't want to put your clothes back in there after I worked so long to get them not smelling like smoke. And...well I was just trying to be nice and wanted to try getting rid of the smell in your suitcase too."

Wooyoung sighed, leaning down to look through the drawers, finding all of his clothes to be there. Then he stood upright and quickly looked through the basket, finding the rest of his things there as well. There wasn't anything missing or damaged, which was a relief.

"There's probably no coming back with the suitcase, its seen worse days." Wooyoung grumbled as he leaned back down to pull out an outfit to change into. He had to admit, he definitely smelled a difference and was quite content about it. "I'm surprised you were able to even salvage my clothes."

San hummed, watching Wooyoung like a hawk.

"Do you guys have a shower in this place?" Wooyoung stood with his desired clothes, which were both causal but definitely more presentable. Plus he was sure he could move better as well.

As Wooyoung turned around he met the vampires eyes, causing his breath to get caught in his throat. His heart picked up in pace unconsciously, even if there was no true danger in that moment.

"Oh, uh, yeah." San's eyes snapped in another direction, a sheepish smile on his lips. "Follow me, I'll show you where."

Wooyoung took a step, hesitating for a moment. He turned and went to his backpack first, digging through it to find his emergency personal hygiene bag, holding such items and a minimal amount of makeup as well. It was easier to grab and transport than the things he usually uses from the basket. Though he did go back to the basket to struggle at retrieving his towel from the bottom of it, but got it regardless. Now ready, he told himself to go back on high alert for the time being as he stepped out of the room he's been in into the grey hallways.

It was silent other than the two's footsteps echoing around them, and what seemed like muffled voices from the first floor.

"Why's this place so...lifeless?" Wooyoung for some reason said his thoughts aloud, gaining San's attention.

"I don't know, it's just kinda how its always been. We kind of keep our personalities in our rooms, but even then that's minimal for those of us that have other places to live as well." San explained casually, no real expression or vocal change with his answer. "I guess we're prepared to leave at any time, and for the most part not leave too many traces. Why? Is this place too grey for you?"

"A bit yeah." Wooyoung laughed a little, eyes trailing the baron walls. "I'll get used to it."

San hummed. "Yeah, I guess it would be pretty different compared to where you have been staying. I'll take it you don't like the quiet either."

"Not a huge fan of it, no." Wooyoung sighed, halting behind San who suddenly stopped. If he wasn't paying attention he surely would've walked straight into the vampire.

"Well most of the time it's pretty quiet around here, but theres times where some of us can get pretty loud too. So hopefully that'll be a good compromise." San smiled, awkwardly stepping to the side and motioning towards the door he stopped in front of. "This is one of the bathrooms. I'll be downstairs with the others, you can make your way down there too when you're done. If you don't want to though you can just text me."

PromiseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora