10: Listen To Me

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Another few days passed and nothing much truly happened. Wooyoung stayed in the bedroom to give himself a bit more time to adjust, only leaving occasionally to go outside and get some fresh air. During those times San would follow like a lost puppy, giving Wooyoung space but also making sure he wasn't alone. He expressed it wasn't from a lack of trust despite Wooyoung believing that's why the blonde followed him.

Speaking of, the duo shared a few more conversations, trying to learn the basics about one another. For the most part though San had duties to attend to. He usually disappeared for a few hours to help Hongjoong, would return to Wooyoung to make sure he wasn't overheating, then leave again after another hour, and repeat.

The only time they had solid time together was usually sometime after midnight when San would return to the room for sleep as well. Wooyoung was usually sleeping or at least drifting off by then, but whenever he heard the door, no matter what, he would open his eyes and find San's. The blonde would change after showing a soft smile, then climb into bed beside Wooyoung, who never complained, at least out loud.

Wooyoung had to make compromises with himself, that was something that became clearer than ever. Hugging San to sleep was one of those compromises, because it did make him feel so much better.

Today though was different.

After Wooyoung got dressed and ready for the day he followed San down to the main part of the warehouse. He took in a heavy breath walking down the stairs, noticing immediately that even being early morning, a few of the others were already awake and in their corner, trying to work things out.

At first glance Wooyoung saw Hongjoong immediately, who looked more stressed than he's ever seen him, alongside Seonghwa and Jongho. San said brief comments to them, the others returning them with forced looks. The blonde lead Wooyoung to the kitchen after that, saying he should probably go help the others, and he could do whatever he needed in here to make food for himself. Just no knives.

Wooyoung snickered at the comment, but nodded his head regardless. He watched San close the door, then turned his attention to the kitchen, getting startled when he realized he wasn't alone. Obviously the vampire already in here was startled as well, turning around with wide eyes.

"S-sorry, I can leave." Wooyoung fumbled for the doorknob, realizing that it was Yeosang sitting at the makeshift table, eating food he obviously just finished preparing.

Wooyoung just didn't notice him before since he entered the room facing San, hence his back was to the main part of the space.

"No, it's fine." Yeosang called out, though even in that manner his voice still seemed quiet.

Biting his tongue, Wooyoung took his hand off the doorknob. He didn't know if he should just leave, having learned of the vampires eating habits, or accept the invitation. His stomach growled and made the decision for him. Yeosang didn't react though, simply turning around again and continued eating.

Right....he has weak hearing for a vampire.

Walking closer to the dining table, Wooyoung sighed as he tried to think of what he could make for himself that was quick and easy.

"There's extra if you want it." Yeosang stated, looking up with just his eyes, which actually made the look seem a bit mean.

Hearing that, Wooyoung looked to the stove and indeed saw extra food already prepared. There was even more on the counter beside it, though not a lot, it was enough for another person at least. The hesitation Wooyoung faced was pretty obvious, from facial features to body language.

"It isn't poisoned." Yeosang snickered, shaking his head as he returned to his phone, which he held out in front of him against the table, mindlessly eating with his other hand.

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