07: Not a Date

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The low hum of the car engine was not enough noise to keep Wooyoung from becoming anxious. They had hardly been on the road for a few minutes, but Wooyoung was overwhelmed by trying to memorize his surroundings, his body being cold from the vampire beside him but also hot from the air blowing on him, and the silence on top of it all didn't help. He didn't know why San wasn't saying anything, but then again, he wasn't saying anything himself either.

"You can mess with the radio if you want to." San muttered, eyes bouncing from the road, to the mirrors, then Wooyoung. "I can see you're anxious."

Wooyoung's tongue poked at his cheek. "Is it that noticeable?"

"With your leg bouncing, yes." San answered without sparing a glance. "Your breathing also sounds tense."

"Cool." Wooyoung nodded his head as he sarcastically said the word.

Still, Wooyoung reached forward and turned the radio on. It took some time to find a channel that he was happy to listen to, but it was something to keep him and his mind busy. Quite honestly, he didn't really care what was on, yet he was still searching for something familiar.

As the smaller did that San took occasional glances at him, the smallest smile forming on his lips before he told himself to wipe that look off his face. He took one hand off the wheel, leaning it against the window, head then pressing against his fist.

Wooyoung also stole occasional glances, his jaw tensing as he realized how cocky the vampire looked. With a heavy sigh, he gave up on finding a different channel, and left it on a random station that seemed to have more advertisements playing than music. It was noise at least.

"Do you not like the radio being on?" Wooyoung let himself ask as he leaned back in the rather comfortable chair.

San looked over in Wooyoung's eyes for a moment before answering. "Why are you asking?"

Wooyoung scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I don't know, just starting conversation. I simply noticed that you didn't turn it on now when you got in the car, and it wasn't on the other night either. Made me think you don't like it."

San hummed, nodding his head. "I guess it just depends. But more often than not I don't like it on cause the noise can get overwhelming." There was a slight pause and Wooyoung opened his mouth to speak but San was faster. "I can just tune it out though, it isn't a problem."

A hum emitted from Wooyoung's throat. "How strong is your hearing then? Seems pretty strong."

San tilted his head back and forth, bottom lip poking out, as if he was thinking. "Yeah I would say so, if you had to rank a vampires hearing on a scale of one to five, one being the weakest and five the strongest, then I'd put myself at a four. And for reference, on that same scale I would put a humans absolute strongest hearing at a two, majority are ones though."

"Okay then." Wooyoung trailed off, understanding instantly what the vampire was getting at. "What about the others then?"

"How'd I know that's where this would go?" San chuckled, a subtle smirk on his features. "Let's see...well Hongjoong is honestly the only other one that has comparable hearing to mine, in fact I'd put him closer to five, but that's simply because he's trained his hearing differently. He'd probably rank himself four regardless. Umm, I would probably put Seonghwa, Yunho and Jongho all at threes. Leaving Yeosang and Mingi, and they probably have the most comparable hearing to yours, meaning I'd rank them at two."

Even if San couldn't see it Wooyoung nodded his head. In that moment he decided to pull out his phone and write that down in his notes app, at least for the time being so he has something to reference to.

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