22: A Date?

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"Alright so are you going to tell me the real reason you wanted to leave?" San sounded playful while asking the question, but at the same time genuinely concerned.

Wooyoung scoffed, turning his head to look at the vampire, unconsciously admiring his figure as he drove. He quickly snapped himself from his thoughts, retuning his eyes to the window, looking opposite of San.

"I'm hungry, and don't want to have to make anything." Wooyoung stated as if it were obvious, glancing over his shoulder only to meet San's eyes momentarily. "And...well I guess I didn't want to be around there any longer right then. Too much information and thoughts and whatever."

San hummed, brows lifting as he again took a glance to his side. "Yeah, I get it."

He took a deep breath, removing a hand from the steering wheel, reaching across the center console to grab ahold of Wooyoung's closest hand. The hunter's head instantly snapped over, making him regret the sudden action as he winced from the twinge in his neck. San had the smallest of smirks on his face, but with a quick look at his eyes Wooyoung could see the uncertainty in him.

"I think...that was overwhelming for both of us...probably for different...yet similar reasons." Wooyoung let his words out slowly, allowing his mind to settle and for his hand to accept the cold embrace.

San hummed again, nodding his head. He let out a pretty dry chuckle. "Yeah, I mean you know I had my recent suspicions about Hongjoong, but I just...I don't know, didn't expect that. And I just don't like some of the similarities with the past, and Hongjoong making correlations between us that don't exist. But that's enough of my thoughts."

"Are you sure? If you need to talk still that's fine." Wooyoung offered, shaking his hand a little which made San let go. Before San could completely retract his hand though Wooyoung caught it again and properly interlocked their fingers.

"I'm sure." San replied with a more content sounding voice. He seemed to relax a bit more too. "How are you holding up?"

"Fine." Wooyoung responded bluntly, tearing his gaze away towards the front of the vehicle. Knowing he'd be in this position for a while, he reached with his free hand to turn up the temperature to his air vents, already feeling a bit chilled from San's touch.

"I won't question you further then." San muttered cheekily, but they both knew Wooyoung appreciated the words regardless. "I'm ready for whenever you want to talk about anything."

"Kay." Wooyoung returned also in a mutter.

The car fell into a silence that was rather comfortable given how much both of their minds raced on. They both took occasional glances at one another, never catching the others gaze. Their hands remaining interlocked as it provided them both immense comfort, and Wooyoung, while he deep down knew what to do with that information, it made his minds defense mechanisms uncomfortable. Though his heart was happy.

"San." Wooyoung called out quietly, almost as quiet as a mouse.

The mentioned perked up, taking a longer look to his side only to see Wooyoung still looking out of the front window. "Yeah?"

"Nothing." Wooyoung smiled a little to himself, looking to his right to watch the scenery pass that way. "Just testing something."

San couldn't help but furrow his features in confusion, but ended up breathily laughing it off. He shook his head as he looked back at the road, tightening his hold just slightly on the smallers warm hand.

"So why this place?" San didn't want to sit in anymore silence, so he thought to try to start some kind of lighthearted conversation.

"I've been to another location before and liked it." Wooyoung answered simply with a shrug. "It's also open twenty-four hours, so I knew it was a safe bet."

Promiseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें