Chapter one

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Returning home after a sunny and fulfilling Sunday spent with her only friend, Surbhi, Shraddha found an aunt in the living room, engaged in a serious conversation with her mother over a cup of tea. The house was unusually quiet and tense, with only the two of them present. She entered the room, and their conversation came to an abrupt halt, creating an unbreakable silence pregnant with unspoken thoughts.

"Good evening, Aunty," she greeted her with a warm smile, displaying all thirty-two of my teeth, like a scene out of a movie.

Aunt, bedecked in a dazzling saree that could blind with its beauty and a flickering diamond ring, offered a brief and delicate hello, reflecting her classy demeanor.

Shraddha moved towards her to touch her feet for blessings, but she stopped me, her voice soft and captivating.

"We'll do this later. First, you should know that your marriage has been arranged with my son, Anand. We'll be coming in two weeks to take you to Mumbai after the wedding."

Shraddha gazed at her mother with doe-like eyes, a mix of shyness and anticipation coloring her face. It had always been her dream to get married, to someone chosen by her mother, and she was thrilled that the day had reach so soon.

"Our son has two daughters from his first wife, who passed away five years ago. You'll become their mother."

She had no qualms about it; she loved children and wanted to have my own someday. She eagerly accepted the responsibility and considered the girls as future friends and family.

"You can discuss the details with my mother." Excitement bubbled within her as she rushed to her room; she couldn't wait for the days to pass quickly.

Later, her mother returned with a picture in her hand.

"He's your future husband, Anand. He saw you yesterday helping an elderly man cross the road and was impressed."

She turned the photo over, and her heart raced as she recognized him, a famous gynecologist known for his successful surgeries. His gaze in the picture was intense, captivating, and slightly intimidating.

"He'll meet you before the wedding, along with his daughters, to get to know each other."

A week later, preparations for the wedding were in full swing. Anand was reluctantly attending the meeting after being emotionally persuaded by his mother.

Shraddha dressed in a beautiful black saree with white lines, and as she entered the room, her eyes locked with Anand's, making her tremble like a leaf in the wind. Her friend, Surbhi, left her alone with him, and she found his gaze unsettling, wondering how his patients could handle it.

"I--my..." she stuttered, struggling to find words.

Anand seemed unimpressed, considering her old-fashioned compared to his modern sensibilities. His attention shifted to his daughters, and she finally caught her breath. Two lovely children awaited her introduction, and as she approached them with a broad smile, they spoke.

"Grandfather said only family members can get close to us. Step back," the eldest daughter declared. As Shraddha attempted to explain her intentions, she added. "And he also said we should never talk to strangers," before turning away.

She took a deep breath, intending to befriend them later. Anand's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"It's getting late. They have an online lesson. We should leave."

Feeling shy and pleased by his considerate tone, she nodded. After they departed, she jumped with joy, convinced that Anand was a kind and loving man, precisely what she had prayed for in a husband.

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