Chapter two

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Today was the long-awaited wedding day for Shraddha, an event she knew she'd cherish in her memories forever. She couldn't help but feel like she had fallen in love with Anand at first sight, if such a thing were possible. Draped in a red lehenga adorned with vibrant red petals, her attire was a generous gift from his mother, who had taken the responsibility of organizing the wedding due to her family's financial constraints. Last night, her mother had lovingly designed her mehendi, opting for simple yet elegant flower patterns. The simple flowers imprinted on her palm and the front side of her hand held a special beauty for Shraddha, considering her mother was an expert henna designer in her eyes.

The wedding hall was a sight to behold, resembling a Bollywood set with its extravagant decorations, abundant lighting, and a flurry of cameramen, journalists, and perhaps even directors.

Guided by her mother, Shraddha took her place beside Anand at the altar, her heart racing as she sat next to his towering figure. She noticed that he was significantly taller than her.

The pandit ji initiated the wedding ceremony, and it felt like a grand production with lights, cameras, and action. The pandit's recitation of mantras made them the center of attention. While Shraddha appreciated the spectacle, she couldn't shake off the feeling of being out of place among the affluent guests. This high-profile wedding was a stark contrast to her simple life, and the presence of cameras and unfamiliar faces made her uncomfortable.

Her gaze eventually settled on Anand, who was dressed in a simple blue kurta. His attire brought a smile to her face, as she believed it was his way of making her feel comfortable amidst the opulent surroundings. As they performed the initial rituals and stood up for the nuptial rounds, Anand's eagerness to leave the village and its discomfort was evident. However, he was reminded that Shraddha would be with him this time.

They exchanged vows, but in his heart, Anand silently vowed not to honor any of them, for he did not consider her his wife.

As they sat back, the pandit ji instructed the application of vermilion to Shraddha's hair. She remained still, savoring the moment, while Anand applied it with a golden coin, breaking a promise he had made to his late wife.

Suddenly, a deafening explosion shattered the tranquility of the ceremony, sending decorations crashing to the ground. Chaos and panic engulfed the once-beautiful hall as a gas explosion ignited a fire. Anand, harboring disdain for Shraddha, prioritized saving the priest and left her behind. Trapped, she struggled to free her heavy lehenga from a nail.

Amid the chaos, a stranger heroically rescued her, carrying her to safety just as a flaming pillar fell onto the altar. Anand, watching from a distance, remained unmoved, his feelings of resentment towards her only growing stronger.

Outside, Shraddha reunited with her mother, and they fled the blazing hall. Anand's mother, dressed extravagantly, urged them to leave immediately. Tearfully, Shraddha bid her mother a hasty farewell, leaving her heart heavy with the knowledge of their impending separation.

At the airport, Anand's mother handed money to a journalist, instructing him to publish a fabricated story about the wedding for political gain.

"Make sure to publish that news tomorrow. Tell them we got our only son married to a prostitute's daughter because we don't care about people's backgrounds. All we notice are their pure hearts. Had it been some other family, they wouldn't even look in their direction, but you've seen the generosity of my husband. He went randomly to a village, picked a girl, and decided to bring her from the streets to heaven."

"But the people would want to know why Sir didn't attend the wedding."

"Were you expecting him to attend an illegitimate person's wedding? I mean, try to avoid that question. We want the people's votes. Make sure you cunningly divulge this story into a saga of reasonable anecdotes. If he wins this election, you know we're close. I'll make sure you get promoted in your place of work." She smiled, and the journalist nodded with excitement.

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