Chapter thirty two

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"My love isn't weak. I've begged death. There's no way it will separate us." Shraddha said with confidence that it will not take Anand yet.

Anand's gaze erratically rove the room. They fell on Shraddha and he tried to wake her up from his chest. Was it a dream he was having? He called her name, but she didn't respond. He tried to touch her. However, something had enmeshed his hands against the bed.

The doctor went out to inform the family about the news.

"Anand," Shraddha made the transition to an upward posture and saw his eyes fully open. She laughed from joy and embraced him again. He was awake, he listened to her.

"Mother! Riya!" she shouted.

They badged into the room and saw them together.

"Anand," she drew back and said.

He stared at her with a blank mind while beginning to question his sanity. What had happened to him? Why was he in an operation theatre? And why was Shraddha happy he woke up?

"Let me talk to him too." his mother said.

"It's a miracle he woke up. When I saw the ventilator had been disconnected, I concluded he died." the doctor spoke amidst the happy moment.

"My son," his mother shared her joy with him. His eyes proceeded to his sister, Riya who in his eyes had taken the form of their father. She couldn't stand still. His sharp gaze made her leave the room. It ushered her away as she saw how he was looking at her like their father. Which she isn't. She would never be like him. She left the hospital. When he recovers, she'll appear before him and seek his forgiveness. However, not today. She will give him space to calm down so that he will understand things from her perspective.

"Excuse me, please. We have to attend to him now. You can wait outside." the doctor loitered towards him and Shraddha and the others moved out. He was checked thoroughly. The injection he was issued relieved the brief paralysis his body went into. He was able to move it. After he was shifted to a private ward, Shraddha returned along with his mother. His mother voiced her concerns and asked him what triggered him to the extent his mind went for a break. He peeked at Shraddha who was already looking at him. She too was curious to know why he fainted.

"I hope no one has informed Poonam about my condition." he replied in a slow and steady tone.

"I had to. You're her father. Her school is going on a public holiday on Friday. She'll follow Thursday's flight and return to India. It's about time she's reunited with her sister too." His mother answered.

Anand tirelessly breathed out. He didn't want her to find out. He wanted her to focus on her studies without any distractions. On the other side, Shraddha was extremely happy. This time, she promised not to let her go again. The last time, she wasn't successful in making a place for herself in her heart, but this time, she'll make sure she does. She will try to be her friend. Her closest friend and slowly, she'll accept her as her mother.

Her smile was soon defunct as she remembered Anand's father asking her to leave. She was now left at a crossroads. She doesn't want to leave. But, she can't take the risk of jeopardizing Anand's relationship with his daughter.

The door to the room was propelled open. It depicted Anand's father.

"I've signed your discharge papers. We're going home. For the rest of the treatment, we'll hire a stay-home nurse." he said.

"You shouldn't bother, Mr Kapoor!" Anand said in a heckled voice.

"Mr Kapoor?" his mother remarked the word. Everything became clear to her. They had another argument. Her son addresses him with such only when they're not on good terms. Could it be that he had found out what Riya wrote in her letter yet? She wondered if that was the reason he fainted.

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