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After Anand left in his car, Riya went into hers.

"Let her remain in the chasm of the sea for an hour. Let her suffocate to death. I will inform him about the incident later." She writhed her heart into stone and mumbled without an ounce of pity while driving on the street. It was raining cats and dogs. She hardly saw despite the wiper of the car being on and working at the highest speed. She used her hand in cleaning the vapour that formulated on the windscreen and at last, arrived at home.

Anand's car wafted on the empty highway with a drift as he soared his way to Ladnun. He answered his phone which rang from his mother.

"Where are you, Anand?" came his mother's disturbed voice.

"Where I should be. I'm going to be with Shraddha." He answered.

"Wait for us. We'll also come. Don't worry, nothing will happen to her. She'll be found safe and sound. I believe this."

The car jerked to a sudden halt, and he took the phone in his hand. Looking at the screen, he believed something was wrong from his mother's disturbed voice, so he proceeded to ask.

"What do you mean you're on your way, and she will be found safe and sound? Where is she? Did something happen?" he stuttered with nervousness and fear. The phone moved rapidly in his shaky hands.

"Didn't you hear? Were you not at the station? Riya informed us. She said, Shraddha..." She took a break and her outburst of cry caused him to lose his breath. Time stopped to a standstill. He didn't realize either when he joined. Tears left his eyes. Whatever the reason was, he knew it was serious because his mother would never cry without a strong reason.

"Where is Shraddha, Mother? Did the commissioner call them late?" his voice broke after every word.

"Meet us at the sea. She is alright. She is still breathing." the call got hung abruptly.

As he continued driving to the sea which was an hour away from his location, many unpleasant thoughts ran in his mind, particularly this one which Shraddha told him about her deal with death that it can return him and take her.

"Never! I can't lose you Shraddha." he ranted in the empty car while pressing the accelerator and speeding up. His car moved in shuffles on the road. He reached the destination in thirty minutes and hurried out.

"Where is she?" his vociferous yell alerted the police of his presence. He crossed their barricades and went to them. They were waiting under the tent canopy for the rain to cease.

"Where is Shraddha?" Anand enquired refusing to look at the sea. He was scared to hear she was still in there. It would shatter him and his heart won't be able to contain the thought.

"We haven't searched yet. The rescue team is here, but..."

"But what?" Anand roared taking hold of the inspector's collar.

"We can't do anything until the rain ceases." the inspector removed his hands from his collar and apologized. "We're sorry, but you have to be patient."

"You are a bunch of useless people." he uttered angrily while taking his phone from his pocket and dialling a number.

"Bring the rescue team to the sea. Immediately!" he said on the phone.

A few minutes later, three cars showed up. The people who came out-foreign men brought along with them the necessary types of equipment. Anand spoke with them and explained the situation.

"We'll begin searching immediately." they said as they wore their life jackets and set up a boat in the sea. All of them went in while the Inspector spoke.

Love Happens Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon