Chapter Eight - Sungriffin

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃. Evylyn knew that. And still, she felt her heart stutter a beat as she clenched her teeth and sharply inhaled. Eki'na's eyes crinkled, the vibrant yellow dimming as he stared at Evylyn with an emotion she couldn't place. Fear? Anger?

After what felt like an eternity of tense silence, she forced her shoulders to relax. Though her posture was less rigid, her emotions were a whirlwind of negativity: fear, anticipation, defensiveness... but she would need to look as passive and docile as possible if she wanted to try and appear like she wasn't a wanted fugitive.  Yet, she did not completely meet Eki'na's gaze. "Yes. My name is Evylyn, as you obviously know."

The floorboards beneath Eki'na's heavy boots shifted slightly as he took a step back. Placing a hand on his hip, he rubbed the nape of his neck with his other hand, lowering his gaze. "You know, I was starting you think you were some myth."

"What?" Evylyn said, snapping her head up. "A myth?"

A sliver of a warm smile grew on Eki'na's face. "Well, of course. I've lived in this city for hundreds of years, bending ore and minerals to my will, and I've never seen you. How long has that bounty been out?"

"Two hundred years, give or take," Evylyn replied, rubbing a hand against her sleeve. She sighed. "I guess it's good that someone doesn't believe I did... this. Even if it's because you didn't think I existed."

"The town is obsessed with you. It's a little impressive, honestly." Eki'na crossed his arms, muscles rippling. "Everywhere I go, there's a wanted poster with your face on it. How long has it been since you visited Ensceas?"

"Well, I was forced here a few weeks ago by bounty hunters, and barely escaped with my life..." Evylyn trailed off as Eki'na raised an eyebrow. Had she said something wrong?

"I know about that. Well, at least, I heard about it. I just thought they made it up so they could trick more people into fearing you."

"Then... I don't know, a couple years? I mostly stick to taverns outside cities now. Less of a chance of being recognized."

Worked out great last time I visited a tavern.

"And you're not as bad as the townspeople say?" Eki'na's gruff voice cut in through her thoughts. Unlike with Vareia, he was... unsettlingly solemn speaking with Evylyn. It unnerved her, particularly because she knew that this man could squish her between his hands if he so pleased.

"No. No," Evylyn said. "I'm not like the rest of my kind. I don't want to hurt others."

Eki'na's hard gaze softened slightly, though he did not move. "If you're with Vareia, you can't be all that bad. I trust her."

"And I trust Evylyn," Vareia said, melancholic notes interwoven into the melodic song of her voice. It seemed as though the short Cimibil wanted to say something else, but she bit her lip before adding, "We're here to help. I promise."

At Vareia's gentle prod at her side, Evylyn lowered her hood, and could feel her face burn hot as Vareia smiled up at her and Eki'na's eyes widened before he tilted his head.

"A friend of Vareia's is a friend of mine," Eki'na said, stepping forward and extending his hand. Evylyn stared at it for a moment before he retracted it, and a sheepish grin crossed his face. "How can I help you?"

"Well, from what I've figured out so far, I need some plants outside the city. I'm... not entirely sure what to do after that. We're not very experienced with the whole 'cure a deadly disease that you have no idea how it works' thing," Evylyn said. "A lot of it will be potion making. Liquids are going to be the easiest to distribute to the sick, but I suspect there will be magic involved. Either healing or necromancy. Or both. And that's where Vareia comes in."

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