Chapter Twelve - Facing Her Fears

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𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐑𝐘𝐍𝐀, Evylyn had taken two weeks to hide away inside their house, under the guise of preparation. She was not ready to face the world again. Last time she had, she'd faced a noose that, sure, wouldn't have killed her, but it was the sentiment that counted.

Vareia had been patient. Gryna had been patient. And yet, despite the fact that her own fears were keeping her back, Evylyn had been impatient. Not towards Vareia or Gryna. She was impatient with herself for letting her negative thoughts run rampant in her mind.

She sighed, glass bottles clinking together under her grasp as she poured the next batch of the antidote into the mouth. It was a slightly more dull gold, but it still shimmered as though Evylyn had taken an ore of gold directly from the side of a stream. Thanks to Gryna, they'd be able to transport multiple solutions at a time. Eki'na had been both their partner and mentor, and he'd taught them how to manipulate glass, which led to a mountain of glass bottles sitting before Evylyn.

She glanced at Vareia, who was smiling at Gryna, and swallowed the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Her gaze fell back to the bottle she was holding, and she fidgeted with the sling, running the frayed rope through her fingers.

She knew she was attracted to Vareia. And as much as she prided herself on her ability to be direct, she couldn't be direct with this. She didn't know why. She'd never had an issue with it in the past... but granted, whenever she told others what she thought of them, it usually ended with them upset with her. While she didn't understand that, either, she supposed she didn't care.

And after she'd told Vareia she hadn't feared telling the truth–she had no issue telling the Cimibil she was beautiful, because she was, but it felt... different. Different, and scary, and Evylyn hated it all.

"Hey, Ev!" Vareia's cheerful voice snapped her out of her melancholic thoughts, and she looked up. "Do you think you're ready?"

"Ready for..." going into the town.

She was far less prepared than she'd like to be. Following plans and mentally preparing herself for ages was how she rolled. She did not like Vareia's spontaneity and tendency to pull her into situations she never wanted to be in.

But maybe that's how Evylyn was supposed to grow. Because she sure as hell hadn't grown much spending years in forced solitude.

"Facing the town," Vareia said, though her voice was softer now. "It's alright if you're not ready."

Evylyn stilled, staring at her glassy reflection in the bottle. And the demigoddess who looked back at her looked timid. Afraid.

Exactly what Evylyn didn't want to be.

"I'm ready," she said, glancing up at Vareia, who had been playing with her hands.

"Oh!" Vareia said, chocolate eyes widening and eyelashes flittering. "Are you sure?"

She nodded, hand straying to her dress as she balled the fabric up into her hand. "I'm sure."

So Vareia took her by the hand and led her outside before Evylyn could say any more, with Gryna trailing behind them. Evylyn weighed the single bottle she'd brought in her hand, fingers tightening around the clear glass. She had one shot to get this right, so she'd only need one antidote.

And as Vareia guided her deeper into Ensceas, Evylyn looked up, and could see nearly every mortal walking the stony streets was ogling at her like she was some exotic prize. Her face burned hot, and her hand instinctively jumped to her hood, ready to pull it up, but something tugged at her hand.

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