24 // Daddy (Censored)

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Reading Author's Notes is important. 

Please refer back to the one posted at the end of Chapter 23: Heavy Petting to understand why this book has censored sex scenes, and where to read the uncensored versions. 


Amy 💕


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As Everett blinks the sleep from his eyes, he carefully turns over in bed to take in the sight of Knox's sleeping form beside him.

The morning sun casts a soft light around them both, unintentionally accentuating Knox's handsome features. Everett's gaze travels from the long, dark eyelashes that rest against Knox's cheeks to the faint stubble gracing his jaw. His full lips are slightly parted, inviting a kiss, but Everett doesn't cross the line. Not yet. He's never seen Knox look this relaxed before, and he doesn't want to disturb him.

It's almost as if Knox had transformed into Sleeping Beauty because the man who had nearly beaten the Cupid's Stop Motel owner to death is nowhere to be found.

Everett understands, however, that this moment of peace is only temporary. It doesn't matter that Knox has locked his beast back in its cage. He and everyone else knows it's only a matter of time before it breaks free and wreaks havoc again.

That type of darkness cannot be contained.

Everett often wonders, even more so these days, if there's space left for him in the chaotic world that Knox inhabits. That or if everything they've done and have said up until now has all been for nothing... just sporadic, fleeting moments of happiness in the midst of total madness.

Who fucking knows anymore.

They're still alive and breathing, living to see another day which Everett is thankful for because the thought of losing Knox in any way makes Everett's heart clench. The mere thought of finally leaving the clubhouse and turning into nothing but a hazy memory in the back of Knox's mind is enough to send Everett spiraling.

The truth is that he desperately wants to be more than roommates with Knox, so much more, but he also can't ignore it when reality hits to remind him that he's reaching for something that's far beyond the stars.

Fuck it. Everett purges the painful thoughts from his mind and refocuses on the present.

His fingers give in to temptation, and with the lightest touch, he glides an index finger across Knox's brow, then down the slope of his nose. The warmth of Knox's skin sends a shiver down Everett's spine. It pushes forth wicked images and desires that swiftly replace the darkness that crept inside his mind.

Whatever this is that we have, I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. I can't do anything else but that... Everett drags his finger across Knox's bottom lip while licking his own. He moves in closer to kiss the man, then decides against it at the last second.

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