Chapter thirty-four

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I decided to make plain pasta with a bit of olive oil for taste. When I was done, I went to the living room to tell Athena.

"I don't want to eat" She whined.

"We are not having this conversation again. You are eating" she pouted and at the stool. I served her first.

I started eating, but Athena was just looking at her plate.

"Open you mouth" I said, and when she did, I forced a fork full of pasta into it.

"I can't believe you just did that" she said after swallowing.

"I can't believe I have to feed a 23-year-old baby." I rolled my eyes and she pecked my lips. We went back to eating, I finished first and watched as she was slowly eating her pasta.

"I'm full" She said and she had eaten less than half of it.

"No Athena, you are finishing it" I got up and brought her water from the fridge "And you are drinking water as well" She went back to eating and I sat with her until she was done.

"I can't move" she groaned.

I put the plates in the sink and she went and sat to living room. After a few minutes I joined her.

"Are you feeling any better?"

"Yes, I guess you were right."

"I'm always right" she rolled her eyes.

"I still feel a little off, a little lightheaded."

"it's called a hangover."

"Shut up Alex."

"Aw, I missed hearing this" I said, and she chuckled.

"I'm going to take a shower" she said and got up.

"I'm going to help you" I got up with her.

"Alex, I don't need help in the shower."

"You said you were feeling lightheaded, what if you slip and fall?"

"Fine" She smirked and I looked at her surprised. I followed her to the bathroom and she started undressing, I looked at her wide-eyed and I could tell I was blushing.

"Are you getting in with your clothes on?" She smirked.

"I-I Uhm No" I stuttered and pulled off my t-shirt and jeans, I can't believe this is happening.

We were standing in front of each other in our underwear, she unclasped her bra and let it fall to the ground and I pulled mine off, I did the same with my boxers and I stared at her in front of me, she was still wearing hers.

I moved closer to her and put my hands on the edge of it, I looked at her for approval and she nodded, I pulled them down and let them fall to the ground, it was the first time I saw her completely naked.

She got in the shower and I followed her, the water was warm. She started washing her hair, she lifted her hands up to shampoo them and I pulled her closer to me and kissed her neck, she let out a moan and I grabbed her ass.

Our areas were rubbing and I was leaving marks on her neck, I kneeled in front of her and brought my mouth to her area, I've never done anything like that before but I felt like I knew what to do. I started moving my tongue while grabbing her ass and she got ahold of my hair, she let out a few moans and it didn't take long for her to reach her climax, her grip got tighter on my hair and her legs started shaking.

I felt her throbbing against my tongue. I got up and she held onto me for support, I kissed her.

"Oh god Alex, have done this before?" She asked trying to catch her breath.

"Nope, I'm sure I wasn't that good."

"You've got some skills Alex" We resumed with our showers.

When we got out we went to her bathroom and laid on the bed naked, we set an alarm for 7, it was now 4.3 and decided that we would get a nap.

The alarm woke us up, Athena was on top of me as usual.

"I must be an awesome pillow" I joked.

"You are" she lifted herself and pecked my lips.

"I have to go home and get clothes" I said.

"I'll take you."

She loaned me a change of clothes, so I didn't have to wear the smelly one's from yesterday, she wore a beautiful black dress that hugged every part of her body perfectly.

"Wow, you look great."

"That's what you said the first time you saw me in it, good to know it wasn't a marketing technique."

"Is that the dress you bought the day I met you?"

"Yes" She smiled, and I did an aw face.

"You are so cuteee" I exclaimed and hugger her, she chuckled.

"Now let's go, you are going to be late to work" I gave her the address and she drove to my apartment, when we got there, I gave her a quick tour, I got changed and we left for the club.

When we got there Athena parked the car and came inside with me to greet Mrs. Peterson.

"Athena, I wasn't expecting you" She said with a smile.

"Yeah, I wanted to thank you and apologize for yesterday."

"I'm just glad you are ok... actually you seem to be more than just ok" She chuckled, and I saw that she was looking at the hickeys I left at Athena's neck.

"What do you mean?" Athena asked confused and she took her phone out and snapped a picture to show her. She gasped at the sight of her neck and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I see Alex took good care of you" Athena was red as a tomato from embarrassment, and I was laughing.

"Alex, I'll kill you."

"Sure" I smirked, and Mrs. Peterson was laughing.

"So did you change your mind about dating Alex?"

"Obviously" she rolled her eyes.

"Thank god, I couldn't stand seeing both of you hurting." We looked at each other and Athena leaned and pecked my lips.

"Yeah, I was stupid for rejecting and hurting Alex, but you know how hard it is to date your student."

"Yeah, I know it's a tough decision, plus having to hide sucks, just make sure nobody else finds out" She eyed me "Not even Charlie, you don't want to go through the same shit I did" she said and it took a while for her words to register to my brain, but when they did my eyes almost popped out of my head.

"You've dated a student before?" I whisper-yelled and her and Athena laughed.

"I didn't just date her, I married her" She said smiling and my mouth hung open.

"Anna was your student?"

"Yes Alex" She smiled.

"That's why you were so cool with it"

"Well yeah, who am I to judge" "I did warn Athena that something like that might happen in her teaching career, but I wasn't expecting it to happen on her first year."

"I wasn't either" Athena added.

"What can I say ladies, I'm irresistible" I said with a smug expression.

"Is she always that stupid?" Emma asked and I pretended to be offended.

"Yes, she is" Athena agreed.

"Okay, that's it I'm leaving, I have to work" I said and turned to leave the office, Athena grabbed me and pulled me to a hug, I kissed her, and she kissed me back, I pulled away and made my way towards the club.

The work was exhausting and because it was spring break the club was packed. I stopped flirting with the girls for tips, It felt wrong since I was now dating Athena. It was 7.3 when I finally finished, I went home, took a shower, sent a good morning text to her and went to sleep.

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