Chapter thirty-eight

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The next morning, I woke up, and Athena was nowhere to be seen.

I got up and went to the living room. She was sitting on the couch staring at the wall.

“Baby is everything alright?” She turned to look at me.

“Oh, you are up, I didn’t notice you walking in.”

“Are you ok? Did something happen?” I asked, worried.

“No, nothing, I was lost in my thoughts.”

“Did you talk with your mum?”

“Yes, she wants me to go visit her today, she’s not too far from here.”

“Do you want me to come with you?” Her eyes widened.

“You would do that?”

“Of course, baby, I would do anything for you.”

“Thank you.”

“So, when are we leaving?”

“In a few hours. I’m nervous.”

“I know, everything is going to be alright.”

“I hope.”

We remained cuddled on the couch until it was time to leave.

I wore a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, she wore a cargo and a crop top and we got in the car.

“How far is it from here?”

“An hour, will you be okay?”

“Yep” I smiled.

She started driving, we listened to music, and she held my hand the entire time. We pulled over to a small house, and she got out. She came to my side and opened the door for me.

“What a gentleman.”

“Always babe” She smirked and pecked my lips. She rang the doorbell and a lady answered the door.

“Can I help you?”

“I’m here to see my mum” She said with an attitude.

“Oh yes, of course, come in, I’m sorry Ms...”

“Davis, but call me Athena” She smiled and stepped aside for us to walk inside. We walked in toward a room. She knocked and walked in while I stood right out the door.

Her mum was lying on a bed, she wasn’t looking too well. She said something in Greek and Athena replied, I couldn’t understand what they were saying.

“Alex, you can come in if you want” I walked in, and her mum eyed me up and down, slightly scrunching her nose.

“Is this your girlfriend?”


“I don’t understand why you insist on that gay thing, when are you going to get serious and act normal. You are a grown-up woman. You should act like it.” Athena groaned.

“After all these years, you still can’t understand that being gay is not a choice.”

“You just want attention” Athena was getting upset with this conversation. I took her hand in mine and rubbed circles on the back of her palm with my thumb.

“You know what, I shouldn’t have come” She walked out of the room, and I followed her.

“Babe” I stopped her and pulled her to a hug.

“I don’t want to talk to her.”

“Let’s at least go say goodbye” She followed me back in.

“I came to say goodbye, I’m leaving.”

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