Characters - An Intro

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Correlated Emoji
The Chosen One = 🖤
The Dark Lord = ⭕️
The Second Coming = 🧡
Victim = 🩶✏️
Red = ❤️
Yellow = 💛
Green = 💚
Blue = 🩵☘️
Purple = 💜
King Orange/Mango Tango = 🟠

The cover of  this story

The cover of  this story

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Drawn by me!

💜🟠 = 🟠Father 💜Son

🧡🖤🩶✏️⭕️ = Brothers
(🩶✏️oldest, 🖤second oldest, ⭕️second youngest [⭕️Twins w/ 🖤], 🧡youngest)

❤️🩵☘️💛💚 = Brothers
(💛oldest, 💚second oldest, 🩵☘️second youngest, ❤️youngest)

🧡⭕️🖤🩶✏️-💚🩵☘️❤️💛 ADOPTIVE BROTHERS

Strongest to Weakest

Oldest to Youngest

🩶✏️ -
🩶✏️ just wanted to exist freely and Alan ended up deleting them. Now 🩶✏️ is pissed at Alan, but found out that Alan created more like them. 🩶✏️, intrigued, decided to find a way to meet these stick figures.
• After meeting 🧡, 🩶✏️ noticed how close their interests were. So they made a deal that as long as 🧡 visits and teaches 🩶✏️ how to draw more accurate things, then 🧡 is able to vibe freely with their siblings.
• When meeting 🖤, 🩶✏️ didn't treat them the best and 🩶✏️ blamed 🖤 for their death, despite 🖤having no correlation with it.
• 🩶✏️ never knew about ⭕️ until 💛💚❤️🩵☘️ decided to recruit them to help get 🖤 and 🧡 back.
• 🩶✏️ and ⭕️ enjoy each other's company and tend to cause chaos together.
• 🩶✏️ and 🖤 have disagreements but are still close to one another.
• 🩶✏️ and 🧡 don't know how to feel about each other.

🖤 -
• They honestly just wanted a quiet day but they didn't get that.
• 🖤 is still upset with Alan and ⭕️ but isn't one to show their feelings on the matter.
• 🖤 and 🧡 are close with each other but they have their disagreements, 🖤 is teaching 🧡 how to use their powers so that they can help protect the Colour Gang (🟠💜💚🩵☘️💛❤️)
• 🖤 and ⭕️ are twins but 🖤 is older by 10 minutes
• 🖤 and ⭕️ don't get along as well as they used to but they're able to understand the differences in their views
• 🖤 isn't able to trust 🩶✏️ but tries to for 🧡
• 🟠 and 🖤 understand each other and like to talk about how they've ended up as caretakers of the chaos gremlins that are constantly attempting to kill others or themselves.

⭕️ -
• ⭕️ would never admit it but they're a big softie for the Hollow Heads.
• ⭕️ doesn't like getting along with 🧡 but also has an older brother complex that doesn't allow anyone else to hurt 🧡.
• After the final showdown, ⭕️ was forced to read through their actions and, though they don't care about the internet and Colour Gang, they did realize how they affected 🖤 when they're supposed to be partners in chaos.
• ⭕️ never admits to anyone that 🧡 is the strongest of the Hollow Head Brothers because ⭕️ feels like it'll put a target on 🧡's back.
• When first meeting 🩶✏️ there was a major conflict because ⭕️ was trying to get their siblings back from someone who kidnapped them, but now the two enjoy fucking with people and enjoying each other's company.
• ⭕️ missed 🖤 and 🧡 after the showdown but also detested them for a bit.

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