A plot.

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The Colourful Family GC
💜: Thanks for that Green! I appreciated it!
💚: any time! I'm always here to simp!
⭐️: accurate enough, and you two do know that you have texted in the big GC
💜: oh shit- uhm, thanks for letting us know
⭐️: anytime
❤️: has anyone seen Second? I haven't seen him since helping out with Green's surprise...
🖊️: what? That's odd, anyway that he's just hiding somewhere?
💛: nope, he's not at the Stick Fight screen or The adobe Animate screen, Adobe wasn't even open and Blue's checking the Minecraft house
🩵☘️: and just finished looking in every nook of it too, no hidden rooms to be in and the ones that I found he wasn't in. He's also not on the other computers we've visited in the past.
❤️: and I searched the nether and even went to MT for help, nothing... I'm worried
🖊️: that's not good... DJ, can you check your computer and see if he's there? I'll search my phone. What about Dark and Chosen?
⭐️: Got it
💚: last I heard they were checking something out and didn't elaborate.
⭐️: Wait. Do you think that...?
🖊️: I hope not but it's very likely.
🩵☘️: what?
⭐️: how about you 5 come to may computer for a bit? Alan is about to do something stupid and I don't want y'all hurt in the process.
💜: what about my dad?
🟠: don't worry, I'm still at home, the computers won't be a problem for me.
💜: okay, guess I won't be back for a bit
🟠: you're fine kiddo, just try to make the most of the adventure okay?
💜: okay papa!
⭐️: so wholesome, but seriously come here now.
🩵☘️: on our way DJ
🖊️: I wonder how those four are gonna react...
⭐️: you'd definitely get hug attacked by Second
🖊️: true, Victim is gonna do his best to kill me, can I entrust you with my safety?
⭐️: of course pal. AvG CREW OUT >:D

With Second and Chosen.
Second's POV
I awoke in a pitch black room. I was suspicious and worried, this was an all too familiar nightmare but, this one feels real. I didn't have my phone and couldn't contact anyone for help, I tried using my abilities but couldn't, I didn't have the energy... or did I not have the ability? I look around hoping to adjust to the dark and noticed I wasn't alone in the cage, thankfully the silver lining was that it was one of my friends, but that lining is rusting because now we're both trapped. Though it wasn't the best circumstances at least I wouldn't go insane on my own. I walk over to the person on the floor and nudged them with my foot to wake them up.
Second (when it's their names they're talking aloud, when it's the emojis it's in text.): pst! Chosen? Get up!
Chosen: hm? Wha... where...?
Second: I believe we've been kidnapped but I can't tell if this was Victim's doing or if he's been boxed too...
Chosen: ... well, clearly you can't use your powers because it would've been your first response, correct?
Second: yeah... I doubt you can use yours either...
Chosen: okay, this is what we're gonna do first. We are going to check around the interior of this shipping container looking box and see if we can spot any outs. You know how to do that, yeah?
Second: I think so? Just look for faults or cracks
Chosen: exactly, there has to be one, and when we find it, we exploit the fuck out of it.
Second: okay... I trust you

After about an hour or two of searching every panel in the box, I was starting to lose hope. I wanted to go home, see my friends, animate with Alan, gossip with DJ, play games with Dark, but instead, Chosen and I were trapped in a cage like prisoners. People undeserving of love. It wasn't long before I felt tears falling down my face. There was nothing I could do and I just sat there, sobbing as I hugged my legs close to my chest.
Suddenly, I felt two gentle arms close around me and hold me close. I could hear Chosen's shaky breath as he held me. He was just as scared of the outcome of this as I was and neither of us could hold it in anymore.
Chosen, shakily: h- hey, you remember how D-Dark and Ala-n got into that argument o-over who could win between a b- baby seal an-d a baby dolphin?
Second, sniffles: h-heh... ye-ah I r-emember... it h-had gone on f-or a few h-ou-hours too.
Chosen, with a silent laugh: and then Alan's w-wife came down and sm-acked them both on the head.
Second, no longer stuttering: heheh, yeah... she's pretty cool too, and I wish you were there when his daughter took over the computer and we got to draw together!
Chosen: heh, maybe I'll get to meet her one day too, for now, you look tired, let's go to sleep okay?
Second, sleepily: okay big bubba
And like that the world returned to the darkness of sleep. Maybe, with chosen near by, I won't have another nightmare. But that's just wishful thinking.

With Dark
Dark's POV
I screamed at the wall in the old house Chosen and I lived in. It brings back some shitty memories but it was my only lead on what was happening. Originally, I had come here with Second and Chosen, they were searching the basement when I heard a scream. Immediately I ran down to them and I just watched as Chosen and an unconscious Second were fading away in front of me.
My throat burned from the screaming I was crying out. I could've helped them, but I didn't... why didn't I help them?
Before I could even process what just happened I felt a tap on my shoulder.
Alan: :/ okay, thanks for that but I should explain first.
Dark: ALAN?!

(Quick context? Alan put on a VR headset and now is one of the sillies. How he knows the address of Dark and Chosen's old house? Ignore the plot holes okay! Anyway I'll send pictures of everyone's Gacha designs that I made them next chapter.)

About an hour of explaining later, I now had the full story from Alan's perspective. Though neither of us know where Chosen and Second are.
Alan: I don't trust him but do you think we could ask Victim?
Dark: I mean...
Alan: I get that he's who you three were investigating but it wouldn't hurt to check.
Dark: ughhhh I hate it when you're right.
Alan: I know you do.
Dark: we're not telling him you're here even if it's in VR, he'll try something.
Alan: okay, you text him, he would never answer me
Dark: ugh, okay.

PM w/ Victim
⭕️: hey Victim, I'm asking you cause there's no one better to ask but do you know where Second and Chosen are? A clue even?
🩶✏️: what? Those two are missing?
⭕️: goddamn it, yeah, they were with me but there was some weird tech that made them disappear in front of me. I no longer know where they are and... I need help to find them.
🩶✏️: The fact you're asking me for help is concerning so give me your location and I'll come check it out.
⭕️: ... thanks
🩶✏️: anytime, that's a lie, I'm doing this so I can get a break from the workplace.
⭕️: I wasn't expecting you to help at all so I'll take it.

Let's just hope Victim isn't playing us like fools.

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