The start of a new arc

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It was a pretty normal day for Second, his brothers were duelling without their abilities, Red was rambling about something to his pets and green, blue, and yellow were setting up a surprise for purple. Though it was a pretty average day, something was bothering him.
Chosen had noticed that his younger brother was unnerved causing the black stick figure to get a punch to the face.
"Eyes on the fight dumbass. What were you looking at anyway?" The Dark Lord questions as he puts a hand out to help his older brother up.
"Yeah, sorry Dark but do you think Second is acting a bit... defensive right now?"
"What?" Dark turns his head to notice his younger brother pace nervously. "Huh, wanna go check on him? Our duel can wait until we know what's up." Chosen just nods his head and the twins walk over to their younger brother.
"Hey Second! You okay? You look worried about something." Chosen says to the orange stick figure in front of him.
"Cho, something feels off today. In all accounts it's normal but something is wrong." Second stutters to his older brothers.
"Maybe Victim has something to do with this? He's been oddly quiet recently, not even the snarky remark every now and then." Dark states putting a hand on Second's shoulder
"We could ask Alan or DJ, but if Vic has gone quiet I'm nervous he's trying something to get back at Alan again..."
"That's a great idea Second, how about I make a chat with the five of us, me, you, chosen, Alan, and DJ"
"Yeah, then we can consult them"
"Okay... I trust you guys..."

Chosen made The Hollow Head Family GC
🖤: Hey Alan and DJ, do you know what Victim has been up to as of late?
🖊️: what's this new chat for, and no I don't know what Victim's been up to
⭐️: Nope! I haven't even interacted with Victim yet.
🧡: oh.
⭕️: to answer your question Alan, this chat to avoid bothering the others when we need to talk to you.
🖊️: I see.
⭐️: what's with the look on Victim all of a sudden you three?
🖊️: actually yeah, and why isn't he in this group labeled "Hollow Head Family"
🖤: we're suspicious that he's not as nice as he's been acting.
🖊️: that's not new for you and Dark. Second?
🧡: I'm why they made the chat. Everything feels normal but something is up and I'm worried he might try something again.
⭐️: that is very well in his possibilities. Maybe we can try to check up on what he's doing?
⭕️: if we were able to go up and talk to him while he works we'd probably not be as worried.
⭐️: fair enough
🧡: so what should we do?
🖤: well I don't want to make a huge scene with everyone but maybe we should confront him when he gets back...
🖊️: actually, I do have an idea but let's wait until after Green's surprise for purple, he's really excited about it after all
🧡: true, I've gotta be there to support them, ttyl! Bye dad!
TSC has logged off
⭐️: did he just call you dad?
🖤: I mean, Alan did create us...
⭕️: ... I don't wanna think about the implications of that rn
🖊️: that took me a minute to process but I'm willing to make it up as a father to you three if that's what you want
⭕️: we'll see.
🖤: I don't think Second even noticed what he said
⭐️: that'll be a fun interaction.
⭕️: Second is gonna be so embarrassed when it hits him
🖤: I kinda wanna see that but the kid ran off to go help green
⭕️: true
🖊️: he probably won't realize until he goes back in the chat, let's leave him be for now
🖤: ah, I see why second slipped up so easily, you really are the father of a bunch of stickmen.
⭐️: this tea is pretty good, trying so hard not to spill it.
🖊️: I am a father outside of you gremlins, I have a daughter.
⭕️: does that make you a dilf?
⭐️: WHAT?!
🖤: I wish I DIDN'T understand what that meant.
🖊️: Dark, what the hell?
⭕️: idk, intrusive thoughts got the better of me
🖊️: I need to check up on your code cause something in there went wrong when you two teamed up.
🖤: but I like him this way
⭐️: Okay but the previous statement.
🖤: ...
⭕️: don't worry Cho, he's the 'family doctor'
🖤: I'm going to end your life.
⭐️: good one Dark
⭕️: :0 someone who appreciates my jokes! I see why Second likes you u.u
🖊️: how did we get here? And are y'all gonna figure out what's up with Vic? You have my permission to SEARCH his room, don't destroy it.
⭕️: Got it Aldand
🖊️: never call me that again
🖤: nah, later Aldand
⭐️: you made em
🖊️: shut.

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