Chapter three

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My alarm rings and i wake up excited for the day because today is Jack's birthday and i have so much planned for the day, first i put on my jogging attire and go out for a jog, i like maintaining my body when i look good then i always feel good.

After jogging i take a shower and get myself ready and i go to get Claire at her house we stop by a cafe for some food then we both head to Jack's house.

I already have a key to his house because once in a while i come by to make him food.
So him being at work right now is the perfect time to set everything up before he gets home,
he has the most beautiful house in a quite neighborhood i have always told him the house is too big for just him but i guess he is thinking of the future and it makes me imagine myself being his wife and having little children running around in the house, i start blushing all of a sudden and i see Claire looking at me funny, A girl cam dream right?.

" I understand bestie , I understand she starts laughing and i laugh along she always somehow knows exactly what am thinking without me having to say anything aloud.

We start setting up for the small dinner party and we put the cake and all the gifts, i even got him some tickets to a basketball game because he loves basketball i guess he will have to take Luca with him or his brother because i bought two.

Time is going by so fast so then we start with the cooking in his huge kitchen that he rarely uses its only me and his mom and sister that do anything important in his kitchen but the man himself either eats at my house or take outs.

Its almost time and people start arriving, his parents come first and they bring some more stuff with them then his friends whom i had told to come also start arriving , my brother comes early to something for once, they also bring in more food and presents, his other family members also come and then we wait for a few more minutes before we hear another car come up his drive way and i go to check the glass window that views the front.

I look out and i see its him but he seems to not be alone because he goes to the passenger side of his sleek car and a blond head comes out and i see a beautiful girl with a perfect face and body come out of the car all smiley at him and then my heart drops,
because they hold hands as they come to the door together, like what ?.

They come in together and i remember how I actually woke up happy today and prepared this whole thing to make him happy and celebrate him but then he shows up with a girl on his arm, i mean i should be happy for him but i cannot .

I cannot even smile at the moment but i have to pretend to be happy for him because its his day but i really am not, everybody else seems to be happy and they are all smiling saying happy birthday to him in unison so i force myself for that moment to put on a smile because its the reason we are here but why are they still holding hands,? Who is she ? Am very jealous i can feel it in me, she is holding my Jacks hand.

Claire seems to also understand the situation and how i might be feeling so she comes to me and puts an arm around my shoulder.

His Sister Cassie then asks the question on everyone's mind because we all want to know who the girl on his arm is because truthfully we are all confused.

so then jacks looks at the gorgeous girl as if he is in love and then looks at the people present, i wait for his eyes to meet mine but he keeps avoiding looking at me, am pretty sure since he showed up at the door and even when i was standing in-front of it he had not looked me in the face.

So he clears his throat to answer and he tell us all point blank that the girl on his arm is his new girlfriend and her name is Elena.....

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