Chapter Ten

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I held her hand and my heart felt at peace i almost started bawling my eyes out it is too much.
Her hand is warm, Her eyes are closed tight my wish in this moment is for her to open her eyes so i can tell her i will protect her from now on.
"God damn it Elle".



Jack is there by her bed and he is holding her hand you can actually see he is hurting he looks like he is almost about to cry,
And then he starts to speak to her.

"God damn it Elle, you have to wake up, i will take care of you when you do and there is so much i want to tell you, the last couple of months we have not been close and its all my fault for thinking i was doing what was best for us both but i want to tell you the truth now so please if you can hear me you have to wake up, i want to look in your beautiful eyes when i tell you everything.

He then sleeps in the hospital chair the whole night holding and rubbing her hand.

when morning came people came and went, friends , coworkers who brought flowers, people from church came and some prayed for her but she remained still.

For days and days Elle remained in her unconscious state the days turned into weeks and one month actually came to pass and she remained the same, It became worrying for everybody how Elle was showing no change, her head wound had healed all fine and her other injuries were healing just fine but her eyes remained closed.
people came and went Jack most times slept at the hospital, he had a stumble on his face from not taking care of him self enough it became unhealthy how his life revolved around the hospital.

The family then decided to ask for permission to move their daughter home where they can keep her and they will pay any amount of money to keep the treatment going but to be done home,
They were allowed and she was moved home with in care nurses to take care of her progress.

Jack who rarely says anything anymore on this day when he was left alone with Elle again spoke to her once more.

" Elle you are worrying me, please heal and come back to us, i don't know what i am doing anymore", as he said that he just broke down and he covered his face on her hands and cried.
" I have been waiting to tell you i love you, its too heavy on me to keep it in anymore, you probably cannot hear me but i will say it again that i love you and i want to be with you and you only.

After saying those words he stays with her for some time until her mother and sister come in and its time to clean her up and so he leaves.

Later on during the day when most of the family is gathered for how its been happening for the last month they usually eat in her room when on this day all of a sudden the machines start beeping loudly.

The home care nurses who were already there for a check in rushed to her and then since a month ago Elle finally opens her eyes, they all look shocked and happy.

Jack who had been outside rushed in with Luca on his tail and they find Elle being sat down and being given water to drink when she is finished she looks at all of them and then takes time to look at jack then looks at herself then all of a sudden she bursts into tears.

For the next minutes her parents try to talk to her and explain why she is the way she is right then but she has not said a word, she looks sad and in need of rest so they leave her because it looks like she is not ready to talk to anyone.

Jack had been leaning by the wall the whole time watching her and as everybody is leaving he also is about to leave so to not exhaust her when Elle says the first words ever since she woke up.

" Jack, Stay with me".

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