Chapter 2:- Overprotective Abhinav

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Author's pov

Ayansh was fast asleep. Abhinav kissed his forehead and left the room without making any noise.

As he shut the door close behind him, he saw his mother standing there. He knew the reason so, he didn't say anything and just walked towards his room, followed by his mother.

"So???" She asked as she sat on the bed, beside Abhinav who just deeply sighed at her question.

"Mumma, I told you. It's not easy to find a girl who can marry me AND take care of Ayansh." he emphasized the last four words.


"So, you are ready to marry me?"
The girl, sitting opposite to him nodded her head positively.
"But you also have to take care of my 4-year-old son." he looked at her intently to read her expressions.

"But you didn't mention any of that in that post. Then how come you suddenly tell me to take care of your son too??" she said with a frown on her face.

Abhinav wasn't surprised with the reply as he already guessed it. He knew that almost all the girls were here to marry him for his money and that is why he didn't mentioned anything in his post regarding his son.

"Get out." He just spoke two words in an icy cold tone, which was enough to make the girl Shiver.

After two long hours which felt like an eternity to him, he was done meeting all the girls. And as he expected he didn't find a single girl who was ready to marry him and also take care of his son.
Yes, few were there who even agreed to take care of his son but the way they were dressed, Abhinav knew that they were just some gold diggers and he can't risk it with Ayansh. Okay, he did judged them based on their clothes but to make his judgment right, he got their background checked and yes, in the end, his judgment was right.


"They all just want my money. Mumma no one is like Saanvi. I already told you that I don't want to marry anyone. I can take care of Ayansh by myself. I can buy him everything he wants." He complaint as he told everything that happened at the office.

He then lay on the bed, with his head on his mother's lap and she started massaging his scalp, making him lose all the stress and tension and close his eyes in relaxation.

"Abhi, how are you feeling?" she asked looking at his relaxed face.

"Like always, relaxed." he said with his eyes still close.

"But Abhi, you are very rich. You can easily go to some outstanding saloon to get a massage "

"But mumma that's different. You have some kind of magic in your hands plus the motherly love I get. "

"Exactly!! You can buy everything Ayansh wants. But what about motherly love? Can you buy it with your money? " she said and Abhinav snapped his eyes open. He thought for a minute and was about to speak when his mother interrupted.

"I am his grandmother and not mother. And also I don't have many years to live---" Now this time Abhinav interrupted her.

"Mumma, how many times I have to tell you not to say such things?? " He scolded because he even hates the thought of losing his loved ones.

"Sorry, but it's the fact beta (son)."

"Okay let's just change the topic." he stated.

"Beta (son), keep finding. I will also help you. I don't know why but my heart says that someone is out there, waiting for you." He looked at his mother, wanting to say something but then dropped the idea so as not to hurt her feelings. He again closed his eyes and all the words said by his mother were roaming in his mind. He didn't know when he slipped into a peaceful sleep even when his mind was occupied with so many thoughts. He always gets this peaceful sleep in his mother's lap.

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑊𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑁𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑆𝑎𝑘𝑒  ✅ Where stories live. Discover now