Chapter 26:- Happy Birthday

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Author's pov

Aarushi woke up in the morning and like from past two days, today too the right side of the bed was empty.

Maybe Abhinav was in the bathroom??
Nope he wasn't there.

Maybe he was in his gym??
Nope he wasn't there. Because it's already 6:30 am. He wakes up at 4:00 am and spends two hours in his gym.

Maybe he was in the dining room for breakfast....
Nope he wasn't there too.

From past two days Abhinav would leave early for work and at night he will return late.

And yes at night Aarushi waits for him till he returns but she will always show him that she is sleeping and Abhinav always feels disappointed knowing that she doesn't care.

Btw Daksh also joined Abhinav's company. He was getting bored all day sitting at home. So ya atleast that way he can help Abhinav a bit and his time will pass too.

Since the day Abhinav drank chocolate milkshake, he and Aarushi had not seen each other. They haven't even talked.

"Is he trying to avoid me in the name of work??" Aarushi thought as she stared blankly at his side of bed, which was empty.

"But he loves Ayansh, right?? He haven't met Ayansh since that day. And just to avoid me he won't avoid seeing Ayansh too. Papa told that he is working really hard for the upcoming project. He wants it." Aarushi thought as she now finally decided to get up and do her daily routine.

Author's pov

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMA!!!" Ayansh ran towards Aarushi as soon as he saw her entering the dining room.

Aarushi picked him up in her arms and thanked him.

"Thank you my baby!!" She said and kissed his chubby cheeks.

She even forgot her birthday due to her overthinking.

"Happy Birthday my perfect daughter-in-law" Tripti chirped and side hugged her as Ayansh was still in her arms.

"Thank you my perfect mother-in-law" Aarushi responded making Tripti chuckle.

"Happy Birthday Aarushi. And Tripti is right. You are perfect for Abhinav." Daksh wished her as he finally got the chance.

Nilay and Vivaan did a video call to wish her. Then Daksh, Nilay and Tripti got busy in talking to each other.

Abhinav's pov

"Damn this headache!!!"

I held my head with one hand and other hand was turning the pages of the file kept on the table in front of me.

"That's what happens when you don't take proper rest. Workaholic!" Krish's annoying voice turned up.

"I want this project in my hands. I don't care even if I don't get to sleep." I stated as I closed the file and called my PA inside.

"Get me a cup of tea. Ginger and cardamom added in it. Remember that. " I ordered my PA.

"Hey! For me too. Bring it here only." Krish said.

"Don't you have any work?" I questioned him as he ordered the tea in my cabin.

"I very well know how to balance my work and health." Krish taunted me as he took out his phone from his pocket and I just rolled his eyes at his taunt.

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑊𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑁𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑆𝑎𝑘𝑒  ✅ Where stories live. Discover now