~Insert Yourself~

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Hello! I'm here with something you could insert yourself into!

I'm sorry about the overwhelming amount of blank space, but i hope you like the art! As for the skin colour, you can insert any colour of your choice! I just wanted to make it clear that i did not colour the skin, because of this reason! And for t...

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I'm sorry about the overwhelming amount of blank space, but i hope you like the art! As for the skin colour, you can insert any colour of your choice! I just wanted to make it clear that i did not colour the skin, because of this reason! And for those who don't have long hair, i made a one with short hair!

Though, if you want, you can change the yukata's colour, but i prefer it in this colour!

Though, if you want, you can change the yukata's colour, but i prefer it in this colour!

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I have no problem of anyone reposting my art, but please credit me, if so!

If you want something else, please ask me!

Thank you for using up your precious 35 seconds to read this!

Until then,

That Girl (modern!reader×kny)Where stories live. Discover now